Whew! I really had a hard time looking for products that are totally good for me. Yesterday, I went to a grocery store, and I wasted minutes searching the shelves for real stuff that will help me get six pack abs. To my dismay, I found out that almost all of the goods that are supposed to provide health benefits are full of junk. Actually, I wasn’t surprised anymore because I have encountered the same products in the past. These foodstuffs are the usual culprits that contribute to lower belly fat to most people. This is the reason why typical abs workouts are not effective. Even faithfully doing abdominal exercises will be futile if people still consume harmful foodstuffs. However, going to that grocery store that day gave me a shock that I was not prepared for. Let me share this to you.

While I was looking at the different health stuff that were displayed on the shelves, if was really baffled by some products that have captions in their labels claiming that they were “better than the original.” I cannot comprehend these ridiculous claims because I know that original products are the best. Nevertheless, I must warn you that now is the open season for unscrupulous food manufacturers and marketers. They are taking advantage of the health products fad that flood the market today. If you read fantastic claims of a certain product, don’t ever buy it because it is indeed harmful to your health.

It will not help you lose belly fat even if you do abdominal exercises such as standing abdominal exercises as well as lower abdominal exercises. I want to give you an idea of the goods that I have actually seen at the grocery store.

1. Artificial peanut butter products that claim to be better than the original stuff.
2. Egg products that are claimed to be better than organically-produced eggs.
3. Butter products that are said to be “better than original butter.

Lastly, I would like to share to you the truth about saturated fats. When most people hear the word “saturated fat”, they believe that it is all unhealthy. This is just a misconception because there are saturated fats that are actually healthy for you. Beneficial ones increase your body’s capacity to absorb nutrients, and provide you with extra energy when doing your abs workouts such as standing abdominal exercises and lower abdominal exercises. Examples of healthy fats include nuts, avocado, dark chocolate, fish oil products, pure and unrefined cow’s milk, as well as whole fresh farm eggs. On the other hand, it will come as a surprise for you to know that homogenized milk products, typical cooking oils, and pasta contain harmful saturated fat. These products, due to their chemical structure, will stick inside human arteries, and can cause lower belly fat, that will make your < ahref='http://www.truthsaboutsixpack.com/truth-about-body-part-isolation.html'>abs workouts useless.

If this information has been a good help to you, please share this to someone you care especially your family and friends. Let us help promote this info to people who are blinded by the claims of unhealthy products. Since I am a crusader for this cause in promoting beneficial saturated fat products that will help lose belly fat and maximizing the benefits of abdominal exercises , I would like to thank you in advance for doing this favor.

Author's Bio: 

Lower belly fat is something that is very difficult to do in most people. A lot of people have some weight problems and accordingly also have problems with the fat protrusions in their bellies.