The Easter Message of Hope for All
As we share with the Christian world their Easter celebration, let us also share in the sense of hope which is one of the most important message of Easter – the others being peace , atonement and renewal of life.
The word Easter is believed to come from the word “Eastre", an annual pagan celebration to worship Eostre, the goddess of offspring and springtime. She was associated with fertility and rebirth. This festival in her honor was held at springtime, the period when the Earth renews its life.
Today, Easter is both a celebration of the gift of Spiritual Rebirth and at the same time a reminder of the constant renewal of life here on Earth.
It doesn’t matter whether we are Christians or not or whether we are believers or not. This message of hope should be meaningful in our desire towards living the fullness of our lives.
I’d like to quote the Easter message of Archbishop Colin Johnson of the Diocese of Toronto of the Anglican Church of Canada.
“So many things can make us afraid. The loss of a loved one, work, a broken friendship and the experience of not being valued by others are among the many experiences that can leave us despondent, not knowing what to expect, even afraid. Those who met the risen Christ -- the two Marys, the guards, the disciples -- all experienced a profound change in their lives. Christ was alive and offered peace and hope to them. They were offered new beginnings. His presence brought not vengeance but reconciliation. Our Lord’s resurrection overcame sin and death . His resurrection is true redemption, an invitation to new life, where every human flaw can be corrected and we can be freed from whatever binds and constricts or destroys true freedom, and welcomed into his kingdom.
We live in a wonderful but deeply wounded and wounding world that is at times uncaring, unforgiving, cruel, and devoid of second chances. Easter offers the assurance that the many difficulties and challenges that threaten to overwhelm us will be overcome.
Despite the desertion of his disciples, the cruelty of the soldiers and the despair of the women, Jesus offered them, as he offers us, new life, forgiveness and hope for the future. We can find healing and hope in Him who came that we might have life in all its fullness. The risen Christ, in His profound love, makes possible for all of us to have second chances, new beginnings, new life.
Jesus says to frightened disciples, "Do not be afraid." To us he says, “Do not be afraid.” Whatever it is that causes you to fear, Jesus the risen Christ will be with you and will go ahead of you and continue to be with you. He offers you joy and peace , forgiveness and hope. Most of all he offers you himself. You need not fear. He has overcome the world!
Happy Easter to all of us!
Cathrine Margit Moller was born and raised in Denmark
She began her career in radio and television, and worked in that capacity until moving to Canada in 1998.
For the past twenty-five years, she has pursued a career in the healing arts at the same time, focusing on alternative health care and healing. By training under some of the leading wellness experts in the world, Cathrine keeps escalating her quest toward personal excellence, so she can offer you the best of the healing arts. This has included studies in Denmark, the U.S., Canada, and England, studying under leading experts in alternative medicine, such as Martin Brofman, Matthew Manning, and healer Geoff Boltwood in England. Additionally, she has studied Silva Mind Control and taken sessions at Chris Griscom's Light Institute in New Mexico as well, as she continually keeps her education as hypnotist up to date.
Her background in hypnotherapy is extensive. In 1999, she was certified Hypnotist by the 'National Guild of Hypnotists' and certified Master Hypnotist at the 'Ontario Hypnosis Centre' in 2000. Her work in hypnosis and hypnotherapy is diverse, and includes clinical use of hypnosis designed to empower her clients in areas ranging from the stresses and problems of their everyday lives, to past life regressions, and Self-Hypnosis training. She has also been certified as a hypnocoach by Dr. Lisa Halpin.
Her expertise also includes Somatic Healing, Reconnective Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), NGH, and Reiki, all of which offer powerful but simple solutions to a range of physical and emotional issues. She also offers NLP, which offers additional access to identifying self-limiting behaviors. These techniques are discussed at more length elsewhere on this site.
Her Personal Mission Statement
Cathrine sees people as incredible beings of infinite potential, whom she can empower and guide toward fulfilling on their goals and their dreams. As an Intuitive, Cathrine knows the Universe and trusts it to steer her in the right direction. Her goal is to help people, and enable them to find their full potential, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Her greatest joy is in seeing a person evolve into all they can become, on every level.
She looks for the miracles in everyday life, and uses them to connect strongly to the forces that enable her to tap into the forces that have shaped a person’s life. As an intuitive, she uses her abilities to uncover the old and unproductive patterns that keep people “stuck,” working with them to purge the unproductive patterns that entrap them.
Cathrine’s own life has had personal challenges that have informed and transformed her, the most significant being when she was diagnosed with apparent MS. Rather than regarding this as a limitation, she has embraced it and used for personal transformation. Working with it in her personal practice, she has not only brought herself back to good health, but has used it to inform and illuminate her life’s path.