We live in the internet revolution: at a time when people are more likely to ask Google for help with a question. How easy is it to get an answer to your question in a flash from an omniscient source? Unfortunately, the worldwide web cannot be used in every area as a knowledge provider. Especially when we talk about the healthcare sector. For example: When a patient is in need of information about specific conditions and their symptoms, he quickly turns to the Internet. The problem, however, is that this 'e-patient' is not always properly informed here. The healthcare system therefore strives to ensure that correct information about health conditions appears online.

What is the E-patient?

To many healthcare providers, the e-patient sounds like fiction. You rarely find a well-informed e-patient. With the internet as a sounding board, various experiences of patients and the list of side effects of medicines appear. Therefore, it seems very difficult for online healthcare or therapists to deal with the surfing patient.

Internet as a medical source of information

Research has shown that two-thirds of patients look up information about their complaints on the internet after a visit to their General Practitioner. 13% of these patients do this often to always. It is difficult for a patient to estimate to what extent information on the internet is correct. People mostly consider all the forums on healthcare related topics. Here everyone can say what they want and give advice without having a medical background. As a result, there is a chance that people will accept information that is incorrect. Any minor condition can seem so much bigger than it actually is and vice versa.

Where’s the problem?

Most of the e-patients collect information online before consulting with the GP. Therefore, it can be difficult for a doctor to convince him of a certain method of treatment. The large amount of advance information creates tunnel vision that is difficult to deal with. Prior to the visit to the doctor or consulting with an online therapist, the patient makes an assessment of the situation without including the expertise of a medical specialist.

If you are still not convinced with the doctor’s advice and unable to recognize a better treatment for you, then go online to have a second opinion from online therapy providers. There are many online therapy providers you can find online. They can give you better and professional advice regarding your health condition. Virtually all mental health problems are treatable counseling online. You can ask drmental.org for online therapy providers for short-term psychological treatment. Even longer-term online psychotherapy is also available these days.

What is Online Therapy?

With online therapy you speak to your online psychologist via video calling, or by email. You can access your therapist from wherever you want. Online therapy allows you to schedule an instant session with doctors during an hour's break at your work. Even you could just discuss your health conditions at home in a very familiar environment.

Advantages of Online Therapy

  • Less stress: Online therapy ensures less stress, more confidence, peace and a more relaxed atmosphere.
  • Personal contact: you have personal contact with your practitioner via video calling.
  • Time saving: Other advantages are that you are not bound by standard working hours. Also, you can meet with your psychologist in the evening.
  • Cost effective: You will save the cost of travel and time. Because we do not have a waiting list, you can get started with your complaints within a few working days.
Author's Bio: 

Misty Jhones