You must have often heard about the benefits that a live chat support provides to any business using this amazing support tool.

What nobody tells you is that a live chat support is of no use if your website visitors don’t avail it. In other words, if the chat volume on your website is less, you can’t really expect to achieve the desired amount of conversion and customer satisfaction.

So, what can be the possible solution?

Well, in order to gain more website conversions and a high customer satisfaction rate, you first need to boost the live chat volume on your site. Here’s how it’s done:

Place the live chat button correctly:One of the most common reasons why your website visitors do not avail your live chat support is because they are not even able to find it in the very first place.

So, make sure that you place the chat button is placed high on the page and not lost among lots of other images. Instead of placing it on the bottom of a Contact Us page, place it at all readily visible places on your website pages.

Synchronize your online hours with your customers’:If you provide online chat support at times when your target audience is sleeping or probably working, it’s futile.

So, it’s imperative that you match your online timings with that of your customers. In order to do that, you can use the customer data to know.

Find the pattern of the majority and then come up with a time that helps cater to the maximum volume of your target audience.

Identify the high volume pages on your website:Simply put, the website pages that drive the maximum traffic to your website have the highest probability of increasing the chat volume.

These high volume pages can be the ones that display the most popular items on your website or the blog or FAQ pages that provide the most useful and interesting information.

Once you have identified the highest volume pages on your website, place the chat button on these pages at a position that’s easily visible to the customers.

Send out proactive chat invitations:In order to achieve maximum website conversions, it’s imperative that you do not lose any sales opportunities. You need to avail even the slightest hidden opportunities.

Wondering how you can do that?

By proactively inviting your customers to chat with you. However, you first need to set certain conditions that you think are necessary to send chat invitations so that you do not bother your customers. Thereafter, let it be done automatically and see the live chat volume increase like crazy.

Train your live chat support team:Lastly, if you do not want all of your above efforts to go down the drain, make sure your chat team is well trained.

You ask us why?

Well, that’s because an increased chat volume won’t be fruitful if your chat agents can’t handle it. So, make sure that you train them in such a way that they can deal with multiple chat sessions at a time.

An appropriate training will not only enable the chat agents to multitask, it will also help achieve the ultimate goal of higher website conversions and customer satisfaction!

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