A standing desk riser is exciting for those who haven't used one yet. For those who've been using them for quite some time now, they're normal types of furniture that may not be common, but are easy to navigate nonetheless. But for those that are unfamiliar with them, it's easy to get carried away. You can feel nervous and tense at the prospect of having to stand for long hours during the work day. On the other hand, you can also feel relieved that, finally, you're able to adapt to a new work lifestyle that might be better for you.

Another part of standing desk risers that people might get carried away with is decorating them. With an added later to your desk, you now have more than enough space to fill your treasures with. And what treasures should those be? The possibilities are endless, but to help you out, here are some of the best accessories for your standing desk converter .

Mini White or Chalkboard

What if you have an urgent message to send to a co-worker when you're not there? Or you have an important reminder for yourself that you'll need to remember the next morning? What you'll need is a mini white or chalkboard. Both are equally useful in jotting down important notes and memos for yourself and your officemates. While whiteboards are more modern, you'll need some special markers to write on it. While with classic chalkboards, they can also get dusty but they're a lot of fun as well.

Stick Note Pad and Board

If you're into writing on boards, you can write on a sticky note and stick it onto a board. These are for messages that are specifically for you or for a particular co-worker. You can write these messages down and color-coordinate your co-workers into specific colors. The secretary can be for the pink notes, accountants for the green notes, and yellow notes for yourself. Even better is that the colorful board upon which you'll stick your notes can be great design feature for your desk.

Candy Jar

Ever wanted a snack jar but your old desk wasn’t fit for one? With a standing desk riser, you get all the room and more! Now, you can bring in as much candy as you like and just take a piece when you're feeling hungry. And while this can be substituted for cookie jars as well, candies are much easier to pack, are more affordable, and won't leave any crumbs on your desk and standing desk riser. You can also share your candies with your officemates as a form of socializing with them.

Air Freshener

Everyone wants fresh air to breathe while they work, and what better way to promote that than with an air freshener? Pick a nice scent that other people in the office will love and stick them onto your standing desk riser. The elevated furniture will maximize its freshening effects tenfold and the smell can reach all four corners of the office. What's even better is that some air fresheners come in quirky and cute designs, which will make for great decorations for your work area as well.

Desk Fan

Sometimes it can get quite hot in the office, With so many people in one room, the cold air from the air conditioner is bound to lessen. And what more then things get pressured during the height of your work? To cool off, install a desk fan onto your standing desk riser. Pick one that's easy to manage and control so that you'll still feel the breeze but your papers won't be flying about. Furthermore, it's also fun to get the brightly-colored ones to please your eye while you work.

Stress Ball

It's easy to succumb to stress while you're working, but this is one thing you should never do in your office. When your bosses are looking at you, don't let them know that you're not capable of managing all the tasks and responsibilities thrown at you. But in order to keep yourself sane, you'll need something to ease your tensions, and what better way than a stress ball? If things are getting tough and rough, just get this toy ball from your standing desk riser and squeeze your stress away.

Scrap Paper Bin

There will be times wherein you have to tear and rip some papers apart for reports and presentations. And these scraps can still be recycled for other things, especially recreational art projects. Instead of throwing them into the trash with the rest of the garbage, have a small paper bin ready under your standing desk riser. You can easily throw all the scraps of paper you can still use for the future without having to make too much of amess in your work area.

Small Sound System

At times, music is the only thing you'll need to stay sane in the office. For your standing desk riser, you can install a small sound system beneath the added layer of office furniture. This way, you can play music without disturbing others or play it loudly when the whole team wants to feel motivated for work. Such systems can vary from actual music players or speakers that you can connect your phone, computer or laptop to. At the end of the day, you'll better remember the songs you played and not the stress of work.

Box with Lock and Key

There will be times in your work that you'll need to keep valuable items and papers in the office. However, you won't want other people peeking or even stealing them. To avoid such situations, bring in a box with a lock and key. This portable locker can be stored right under your standing desk riser so that it'll be safe and you can look after it while you're there. And when someone else steals the box or attempts to open it when you’re not around, you'll know it as soon as you go to your work area.

Pen Mug

One of the most annoying things to happen at work is forgetting you pens. This is no longer school in which you have to carry a pencil case around with you at all times. Most of the time, it's better when they're just there on your standing desk riser. And what better way to store them but with a pen mug? They're easy, nifty, and you can personalize them.

The way to accessorize your standing desk riser is to know what you’ll need throughout the work day. More than making your work area beautiful and enjoyable, make it useful with these TV/Projector mount nifty accessories and more like them!

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