The biggest problems that we have in our lives originate in our minds. We may think that we have problems with people but the issues that we have with people are no more important than we allow them to be. The best way to combat anger is with kindness. It will squelch out anger like a blanket smothers a fire. Anger feeds on anger so if you don’t return a persons angry rhetoric they won’t have any oxygen left to fuel the fire. You can’t do this if your own mind is filled with anger also.

Our mental positive must overcome the negative that daily events and situations throw at us. We can overcome the situation but you can’t fight fire with fire. When a situation makes you feel like crying laugh instead, when people do cruel things designed to hurt you smile and find something to be happy about. Allow the spirit of Christ in you overcome the evil which is attempting to take you out. Don’t allow people to get the victory over you by manipulating you. Manipulative people get their sense of power by seeing the effects of what they have done to you. Rob them of that power by not allowing them to sense a victory. If you attempt to fight fire with fire they will know that their attack caused you to feel pain.

The only reason that you would be bothered or intimidated by another person’s like or dislike of you is if your own self esteem is low. If you know who you are no one else can cause you to have a conflict in your own mind. Your life isn’t at the mercy of others, your fate is determined by the decisions and the path that you choose to take.

Have you ever seen someone homeless or confined to a wheelchair who seemed to be totally happy? Their emotions were not defined by their condition. They had internal peace . Their peace was not contingent on who they were, where they were, or the condition that they happened to be in. Hopefully you can see by this example that anger, grief , and misery are choices that we make. We can choose to be angry about a situation or we can choose to ignore it and focus our energy on positive things.

I used to be one of the biggest complainers that you would ever want to meet. Every communication out of my mouth was negative. I am not the type of person who would purposely do any harm to another and I used to expect the same behavior from others however that’s just not the way things work. I used to get aggravated when people did me a real or perceived wrong and I would want to tell the world about it. Well the problem with that is that the world really didn’t want to hear it. I had to learn how to not dwell on negative thoughts even if they were true. Negative thoughts only serve to hold you captive in your heart and the words that you speak will reflect this.

A mugger is just afraid of you as you are of him, the difference between you is that he hides his and psyches you out. If you can learn how to guard and control your mind and emotions you will go far.

When life gives you a lemon turn it into lemonade. In other words add whatever it is that you need to add to that sour situation to make it sweet. Do this consistently and you will win every time. Riceland Enterprises

Author's Bio: 

Cedric Rice is the founder of Riceland Enterprises, which is composed of several different business ventures. This company is currently located in Georgia.>Riceland Enterprises of several web sites that Mr. Rice owns and operates which is oriented towards consumers along with Military Ring Express , and Fragrance Oil Express