I have been doing a lot of networking and public speaking these past months! It seems that, wherever I go, I am constantly asked about my daily and weekly habits – “What do you do on a regular basis to succeed?”

For many years, I just assumed that what I did – everyone did! Well, you know what ‘they say’ about making assumptions. And ‘they’ are right! I want to talk about habits today – and what it takes to succeed. But, first, let’s examine what a habit is.

Research shows that there are four major barriers to using all of our potential:

Habits , Attitudes, Beliefs and Expectations.

In my work, over the last 25 years, I would say there are three additional barriers: Ego, Emotion and Control!

What is a ‘habit’ anyway?

Wikipedia describes it this way:

Habits are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly, tend to occur subconsciously, without directly thinking consciously about them. Habitual behavior sometimes goes unnoticed in persons exhibiting them, because it is often unnecessary to engage in self-analysis when undertaking in routine tasks. Habituation is an extremely simple form of learning, in which an organism, after a period of exposure to a stimulus, stops responding to that stimulus in varied manners. Habits are sometimes compulsory.

Habits are necessary in life. They help us maintain order and routine. Habits are not necessarily bad or good. They just are. Once you set a goal, that’s when you are able to identify whether or not the habit is moving you towards, or away from, the goal.

The behavior you choose creates the life you are living – and the business you have.

Consider this – there are 5 activities (at a minimum) that I perform, on a regular basis, that contribute to my success. I want to keep this simple. (WE tend to believe that becoming a success is complicated – it’s not!)

I exercise .

I make wise food choices.

I get 8 hours of sleep a night.

I spend time with positive people (that includes networking events, clients, friends, family , etc.)

I talk to people – regularly – on the phone!

And, P.S. – I know my numbers ($$$$).

What are 5 activities that you perform, routinely, on a daily basis that lead you to success?

As you think about your business, where are you ‘over-doing’ it? (e.g., I prefer to do most things myself rather than ask for help. Or, I feel guilty when I am not working on something.)

What is one habit that you could change today that would increase your level of success?

What difference would it make in your business, right now?

HABITS – “It’s so hard when contemplated in advance and so easy when you do it.!”- Robert M. Pirsig

How long does it take to change a habit? Some say ‘about 21 days,’ or ‘3-4 weeks.’ If you want to make some small changes in your business, I would agree. We are all creatures of habit. Here are some samples of habits that would not necessarily lead you towards your goals.

- Being late for appointments.
- Allowing paperwork to pile up on the dining room table.
- Answering your cell phone/Blackberry when you are having lunch with a prospect.
- Working long hours and, then, making poor food choices.
- Taking work everywhere with you.
- Sleeping just 5 minutes longer, instead of getting up and exercising.
- Going to a networking event and sticking with the people you already know.
- Keep a running overdraft in your bank account.

Ok – your turn. Make a list of 10 habits that you know are not serving you well right now.

Consider those habits that you listed. What would it look like ‘fixed’ or ‘changed’, and more positive? Take each habit and write it out in the positive.

(For example, from my list above: Instead of: Being late for appointments – change it to a positive: Make a commitment to always being 5 minutes early for appointments.)


One Sunday afternoon, a woman was cooking a ham for dinner. As she had always done in the past, she cut off the ends of the ham before she put it in the pan. Her husband asked her why she cut off the ends of the ham, and she told him her mother had always cut off the ends, so she did too.

So the husband questioned his mother-in-law as to why she cut off the ends of the ham before baking it. And she said her mother had always done that, so she did it too.

The next time the husband saw his wife’s grandmother, he asked her why she cut off the ends of the ham before she baked it and the grandmother looked at him strangely and said, ‘well, that’s the only way I could get the ham to fit into the pan!”

How often do we do something just because we saw someone else perform the task a particular way? Sometimes we need to ask ourselves why we are doing something a certain way. There may be other ways to accomplish the same thing in an easier way.


The road to success is not complicated – it’s quite simple. It all begins with the way you think – with a clear vision of what you want (and how badly you want it!) – and developing daily habits that move you closer to your goals.

So, you see, habits are not good or bad. It’s a matter of whether or not they are moving you closer to your vision of success. You are in control. You are the driver. Take charge!

Author's Bio: 

Heralded as "The Queen of Networking," Pat Mussieux has x-ray vision for seeing relationship-building opportunities and the creativity to convert them into clients! Pat delivers high-impact, low-cost, customized mindset and marketing strategies for turbo-charging women entrepreneurs and small business owners to great profits.

After 15 years of training executives at companies like Stantec, The Westin Hotel, Sherritt International and other private sector organizations, she left the corporate world and put her skills to the test as an entrepreneur. Having stepped in and out of her business for the past 20 years, Pat contracted with a millionaire business coach in 2009 to help make quantum leaps in her business.

In just 1 short year, Pat created a six-figure home-based business after having moved across the country, leaving her 22-year marriage with virtually nothing - and starting life over in a new city across the country. She is an undisputed expert on mindset and marketing, and how to make BIG money doing what you love!

Pat is the author of "The 7-Step Guide To Growing Your Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way", teaching women entrepreneurs how to get their message out and enjoy massive results, removing the self-imposed barriers of habits, attitudes, beliefs and expectations! Recently, Pat was nominated for the 2010 RBC Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Through her coaching programs and products, Pat shows her clients how to experience freedom inside and out and create the life they truly want to live, now! It's a 'no-excuses' approach!

To begin experiencing Pat's coaching, you can enjoy some of her high content, easily applied mindset training products, at no charge, beginning right now at:
www.confidenceandcourage.com . You'll love Pat's high-content mindset and goal-setting training products to help you get past barriers and on to living your best life - at any age!