A Tarotscope is similar to a horoscope, but instead of using the stars for a message, the cards are used.

CAPRICORN... King of Cups: You are making some powerful adjustments in your world, as you allow your sensitivities and intuition lead you to your desired destiny. You are becoming quite comfortable and grounded with the decisions that you have made to create progress. You feel blessed as you enjoy the soothing comfort of self-satisfaction and internal love, while sending off vibrations that attract warmth and friendship back into your life. You are fueled with compassion and a strong movement inside of your soul, that you feel the need to express yourself to another, or in a new creative project. Healing energy is mastered as you let go and forgive, filling you with the power of love.

AQUARIUS... Five of Pentacles: You could end up feeling separated from yourself this month as you become part of a 'weeding' process. Changes are beginning to become more apparent, but that doesn't make things easier for you. It will be grounding for you to spend some time with yourself now, to think about your goals and where you want to be, and what you might have to 'shave off' to grow. Material and/or financial struggles may set you back temporarily, IF you allow it. The Universe is requiring that you revise your lifestyle, so that you can figure out what is actually missing in your life.

PISCES... Nine of Cups: What have you been hoping and praying for, now manifests. Happiness is in bloom, and your beam with love and joy. This may also turn out to be an answered prayer. This month seems to have you lounging in pleasure and good spirits - from good food, good wine, and good lovin'! Your emotions are overwhelmed with so many wonderful surprises, you may end up with a grin on your face the rest of this month! You could be invited to a party or a get-together with some friends - and if you're not heading out with them, you may decide to have one your own parties to celebrate your success! Party on!

ARIES... Page of Wands: There's a fresh change in the air for you. This change consists of putting closure to an emotional situation, and transforming restrictions into exciting opportunities! Taking the higher path can only lead you toward happiness and success, so use common sense, and follow your lead. You are motivated and excitement with this fresh sense of optimism, attracting like-minded individuals your way. Pay attention to the people you attract now, as you are encouraged to let by-gone be by-gones. A new plan or creative adventure is calling!

TAURUS.. Strength: Through simple acts of kindness, you will be reminded of your valuable traits of willpower, courage, and integrity! You will have the chance to 'show off' your problem solving skills while showing others how to transform disappointments and tough situations into a positive learning tool! Through your gentle approach, you gain control of a bothersome situation, which takes your confidence and spirit to new heights. You obtain popularity with your strength and attract many admirers along the way. Your general well-being improves dramatically as happiness and joy increases! You shine brilliantly as you beam with positive energy!

GEMINI.. Five of Wands: You are experiencing a great desire for change and movement. Frustration happens as you try to reach for the future, while still cling tightly to old patterns, or your past. It is time to quit thinking about your goals, and simply take action towards them. Courage and willpower will overcome challenges and uncertainties. It is time to separate out the unnecessary, so that you can chase life once again. Try something new and unfamiliar to satisfy the rush that you have been craving for. There is much growth ahead that waits for you!

CANCER.. Three of Swords: An unpleasant impression regarding the past, possibly a parting, may have you experiencing some doubt or worry. While it may feel as if sadness could be embedded, it isn't. Seek out a trusted friend or get involved in a creative project to communicate what you are feeling. When we allow our sensitivities to be released and transmitted to the Universe, our negative thoughts can be transformed into something more positive and useful. The healing begins and the sun shines again as we allow the truth to set us free.

LEO... Ace Of Wands: There is something new and exciting on the horizon for you! You are truly blessed with a new zap of energy with fresh vitality to start a brand new adventure, and nothing is going to stop you. You are primed and ready for the new beginning, and these cosmic vibrations are providing you with the growth and personal development that is necessary toward this new goal, opening up a whole new life! You will be in full bloom for the next few weeks, and as you open yourself to the Universe, you will have a chance to receive its magnificent gifts! That's right, gray skies are in the midst of disappearing, giving you a reason to be happy and smiling again! This is all about you now, and no one else. So go ahead and do what you need to do, and say goodbye to your shadow. It's okay to be a little self-absorbed now!

VIRGO.. Ace of Cups: A form of emotional wellness and love is being created this month, resembling happiness and good times! This beautiful energy is overwhelming you now, allowing your inner joy to glow brilliantly on the outside! An abundance of gentleness and compassion is giving your soul a whole new vision on the way you perceive the world around you, as everything is coming up in roses. As you relax and flow toward higher waters, you allow yourself to become vulnerable and open to heaven's blessings. The timing is right to begin this new path in love!

LIBRA.. The Magician: There is powerful energy in the air for you this month as you get to show everyone (and yourself!) as to what you are truly made of, willpower, beauty , strength, and stamina... should I continue? Your skills, experience, and charm only need to be summoned and they are yours! Self-promotion is priority now, giving you access to reach recognition in your work or relationships. Your energy is balanced, and you are capable of attracting whatever you set your heart and mind too. Opportunities prove to be illuminating and rewarding! Shift with the flow and allow the heavens to steer you toward great heights!

SCORPIO.. Knight of Pentacles: What you have been analyzing and seeking in your life, is now becoming available. A chance opportunity is being delivered your way to create stability and integrity, and it will be your choice to either accept this as a sign of true potential and growth, or to bypass it and wait for something better to come along. This news can improve your status, and you may find yourself wanting to fine-tune your own skills! You are motivated to ground your spontaneity and fiery passion , so that you can put it into something more useful that will benefit you in more positive ways!

SAGITTARIUS... Temperance: Order is finally being created, as you do your best to reorganize your practical needs and your personal wishes. Prioritizing all that you have been cramming into your daily life has been on your to-do list, and now you are finally becoming much more motivated in taking charge of what has been controlling you! As you experience the joy and balance that moderation brings into your surroundings, your develop a stronger inner self, understanding that saying yes all the time - doesn't necessarily mean you gain more - but instead, causes you to lose little pieces of yourself. Congratulations on making wiser choices!

Thank you for your loyalty and support of Starcana's Tarotscope Happenings in 2009. I look forward to bringing you more insights in 2010. Wishing you all a Blessed New Year filled with joy, peace , and prosperity . Suzi ?

Author's Bio: 

Starcana, aka Suzanne Dronzek, is a Spiritual Tarot Astrologer with over 20 years of practice and experience in spiritual astrology, intuitive tarot, and the metaphysical arts. To personalize this message for inner guidance, personal development, spiritual enrichment, and/or relationship compatibility - request a private and professional consultation via telephone. For complete information about her services, call Suzi (724) 832-9283, or visit her website: http://www.starcana.com