Every year I usually go to some type of Spring Equinox celebration, and this year was no exception. I attended a small labyrinth gathering on the beautiful property of a friend of mine. We did a group walk in her 40 foot, well cared for, labyrinth and afterward, toured her manicured, all year round herb and vegetable gardens. I enjoyed looking at the greens growing in her greenhouse, and picking up some gardening tips, along the way. Of course, most of her garden was surrounded by a 7 foot fence to keep the deer from eating her crops.

Having no known predators where I live in North Carolina, deer are overly plentiful. So it's not unusual gardening conversation to have folks comparing deer stories and ways to keep them at bay. Most people I meet convey much frustration about deer eating whatever they plant around their house. They have tried everything to keep them away; spraying plants with "deer off", hanging "Irish Spring" soap in the trees, urinating to mark their property, (Yes, really!), using dogs to bark them away, growing plants that deer don't like, and of course, fencing them out. Nothing usually works, except for the fences.

Most people always seem astounded when I tell them that I've never had deer problems where I live. Sure, I see them walking in the woods during their morning or afternoon strolls, but they know better than to come into my yard. And when they do, I go out, bang on a pot, and chase them away. It's a real clear message that says, "You're trespassing here! Go away!" However, these actions are only a last resort. My real secret, is having the Guardians of the Directions (east, south, west, north), intercede for me, by simply asking the deer spirits to stay away. And if that fails, they surround my property with Panther energy.

The reactions are usually the same. "The Who? Guardians? Who or what are they?" In Native American circles, The Guardians of the Directions are sometimes called Spirit Keepers. They sit at and are in charge of the energies of each Cardinal Direction. They are real Divine Beings that symbolize four archangels in the Judeo-Christian belief systems. (Gabriel in the East, Michael in the South, Raphael in the West, and Uriel in the North). In fact every ancient culture worked with the Guardians in some capacity. Today, they are only known to indigenous peoples, and those of us who work shamanically or follow the old ways.

It is through years of working in Right Relationship with Spirit and all of my relations, that the Guardians of the Directions have volunteered to speak to and work with other spirits on my behalf. However, you too, can have such a relationship by opening your hearts, shifting your perceptions, and committing to a life of Right Relationship, where all life is sacred, and everything is interrelated. When we walk our talk in this way, a whole new world opens up to us.
We can live in peace and balance with all of creation.

Author's Bio: 

Barbara-Lynn Freed is the Founder & Facilitator of the Center for Transformational Studies, where she teaches people how to reconnect with themselves and nature, through her Web of Life Seminars, Awakening the Heart! Spiritual Healing, Transformational Astrology Readings, and Aromatherapy Celebrations!, her online store. As an ordained, interfaith minister with the Alliance of Divine Love, she has a passion for helping people awaken spiritually. You can find out more information at http://www.TransformationalStudies.com and http://www.AromatherapyCelebrations.com .