First, we should know the role of the fallopian tube. The fallopian tube is mainly one of the essential components of the female reproductive system. It has the functions of transporting sperm, eggs, and fertilized eggs and providing sperm storage. It is a fertilization place. Therefore, its status determines the importance of the fallopian tube. If the fallopian tube is blocked, it can be imagined how difficult pregnancy will become.

Moreover, fallopian tube problems may be caused by the sequelae of abortion surgery and other intrauterine operations. It is easy for everyone to compare their situation and guess whether they can't get pregnant because of fallopian tube blockage.

Here to remind you that it is best to do a good job in pre-pregnancy examination before pregnancy preparation to eliminate the factors that may lead to infertility so that pregnancy preparation will be more scientific.

If you are not pregnant and worry that fallopian tube problems may cause it, here are several ways to judge.

1. Abdominal pain before menstruation

If a woman has blocked fallopian tubes for a long time, there will be congestion in the pelvic cavity, resulting in blood stasis and dysmenorrhea. Patients usually start abdominal pain about seven days before each menstruation. The closer to the menstrual period, the more severe the pain is, and it will continue until the onset of menstruation.

2. Irregular menstruation

The fallopian tube is adjacent to the ovary. When the inflammatory focus of the fallopian tube spreads to the female ovary, it will affect the female ovary's normal function and cause irregular menstruation symptoms, such as excessive menstruation.

3. Frequent abdominal pain

When pelvic inflammation causes a fallopian blockage, there can be abdominal pain, swelling, and even a falling feeling in the waist, back, and sacrum.

4. Increased leucorrhea

Patients with severe fallopian tube blockage sometimes have increased leucorrhea, pain during sex, fatigue, frequent urination, urgency, weight loss , etc. Therefore, women must pay attention to the cleanness and dryness of the vulva and change their underwear frequently.

Of course, the symptoms of fallopian tube problems are often not obvious. Many people learn about them only after they find infertility. Therefore, it is recommended that women with fertility requirements do the corresponding pre-pregnancy examination before pregnancy preparation. And the husband and wife should have the same test.

Excluding the factors of men, women can choose drug treatment first to treat female fallopian tube problems. Traditional Chinese medicine is safer and more effective, such as Fuyan Pill , especially for tubal issues caused by inflammation. It can eliminate symptoms and inflammation. And it can clean up the inflammation and toxins in the uterus and improve the chance of natural pregnancy.

If the effect of drug treatment is poor, patients can also choose surgery or IVF according to their situation.

Women can do the following things to protect the health of their fallopian tubes.

1. Pay attention to rest

Whether at work or in life, women should pay attention to the collection of work and rest, avoid standing and sitting for a long time, ensure adequate sleep and rest, pay attention to self-regulation when tired, and don't overwork.

2. Relieve mental stress

Women's mental stress is often much more harmful than that caused by men. Many times, the occurrence of diseases is related to neural factors. Nerve fatigue is also unfavorable to the body, leading to problems in the body. Also, mental stress will reduce immunity and lead to tubal diseases.

3. Watch the diet

Women should pay more attention to supplementary nutrition . A balanced and nutritious diet is an essential factor in ensuring their health. For example, green vegetables and fruits can be matched with some coarse-grain foods simultaneously to maintain balanced nutrition .

4. Eliminate gynecological surgical infection

When you have to do gynecological operations, such as abortion, salpingography, taking and placing birth control rings, hysterectomy, etc., you should choose a professional hospital to avoid the infection and damage caused by instruments during the operation.

5. Have a rational life

Sexual life is often the inducing factor of some gynecological diseases. There will be no problem if women pay more attention to healthy habits in their ordinary sexual life. It requires women to do a good job in personal cleaning and not indulge in excessive lust and abstinence. In addition, in sexual intercourse, women should stop their sexual life if they have vaginal bleeding. Stop promiscuity.


With the continuous progress of medical treatment, tubal problems can be cured. More and more patients have recovered successfully, and the earlier the treatment, the higher the success rate. Therefore, patients with tubal diseases must be treated in time!

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