All experience is ultimately a form of creative composition that is a natural function of the mind. The minds most natural way of creating experience as reality is by telling a story that gives what is in fact a neutral set of circumstances, meaning of some kind. The meaning we give things determines what we make them about and the theme the experience takes on as a result.

A suggestion is simply a thought that is given and received by an open, receptive mind that willingly takes it in, holds it and begins thinking about it. A suggestion works by way of an idea with a clear agenda as an interpretation of the facts, is “suggested” which, if we are open to it, we focus on and consider it by entertaining the thought. We look at it from the perspective being suggested to see if we can see the same thing. If we can, and it makes sense to us somehow, it begins taking root in our psyche, and forms a natural theme or pattern that we use as a filter or lens to look through that arranges or organizes facts in such a way that they naturally tell that story. They fulfill the theme that we apply as a means of perceiving something.

This is how suggestion works. It gives you an idea as a seed encoded with meaning that once planted in your mind, you grow by your own volition into a full-blown reality that makes perfect sense to you, because you customize it to your own liking. Once this happens, separate elements within the story become triggers that serve to constantly activate the idea over-and-over through various forms of sensory association that causes us to reference and access information as memory and bring it to the foreground, just like we bring an actual memory into the present and use that memory as the structuring or composing mechanism that shapes current circumstances with the same meaning. They become about the same thing. The meaning of things is the common denominator. This is how the past repeats itself. Not in specific terms, but as meaning that forms themes that we apply to a variety of situations to shape them in the same way.

So when we buy into something, we have to ask ourselves at some point, am I seeing this because it was planted in me in such a way that I naturally took hold of it and grew it with my own imagination , which is why it seems so real and therefore believable? Or am I seeing it because it’s actually true and this is the natural conclusion that it indicates?

Intention is a natural force. A Natural force that fashions situations to a natural conclusion or a specific and deliberate end. It always operates as an agenda that forms a theme. An intention not only has a whole motion involved in it, but a clear outcome of a specific nature that has been chosen and willfully acted out. It is a primary program as a focused desire that unifies the mind as a holistic operation that first indicates, then directs behavior by giving it a pattern to fulfill.

Any idea that we knowingly and willingly subject ourselves to without our “editing function” fully operational that is a natural operation of the conscious mind which questions everything and evaluates it before allowing it into the mind, because once it is allowed in, the effect has taken hold and will take on a life of its own. This is why hypnosis works by way of sensationalized suggestion. Because you only have to plant an idea into someone’s mind by suggesting it, knowing that they will build, construct and grow it in their own way by thinking about it. Thinking creates mental constructs as imaginary realities.

So pay attention to what you expose yourself to, and what you willingly entertain by opening yourself to other people’s ideas while in a receptive state that naturally takes in opinion, then grows it into a personal reality that then becomes the nature of your own experiences. Then you have the experience of it being your own idea about things, when actually it didn’t come by way of independent thinking on your part, but rather by willingly adopting someone else’s idea who you deemed as being somehow more knowledgeable than you are, and so you accept their version of reality over your own. This is the true meaning of “mindlessness”. The inability to think for yourself, because quite frankly, you don’t know how.

Linda Gadbois, DES, CCHt.

Author's Bio: 

Linda Gadbois, DES., CCHt.Doctor of Spiritual Sciences; BA Clinical Hypnotherapy