Life balance is undoubtedly a topic that all coaches work with. The main reason is because the concept of life balance is often the root of other problems experienced by individuals. Women have to wear so many hats and to juggle so many different balls that we often forget about ourselves. There are times when we work incessantly only to go home and have to deal with a lot of other responsibilities. Or we work a job that is only good enough to pay the bills (if that) but not necessarily a job that we feel really strong and passionate about.
See, the thing is that most of us women strive to be the best we can be. We try to be best mothers, best wives, best employees, best volunteers and so much more and somewhere there, we sometimes fail to realize that 'we can't be all things to all people.' I don't recall where I first heard that, however, it resonates to me loud and clear. After years of working as hard as I possibly could in every single subject I could get involved with and after coming very closely (more than once) to getting total burn-out, I now proclaim that with age, I've acquired some wisdom on this subject. Yes, these days I am better able to understand that when I am off balance, nothing else happens. When I am not centered, something else is going to be neglected because I just cannot do it all, certainly not all at once.
While we might not be able to experience a life that is perfectly balanced a 100% of the time, the truth is that by being aware of the need and by taking small steps towards balance, you will start to see improvement in many areas such as relationships, decision making, stress management , sleeping, health, better communication, less frustrations at work, home and school, etc.

Someone said to me that "life is about balance" and since then I've also realized that "life is about LIFE." The meaning of a fulfilled, happy, successful life depends on who you ask, yet we know that we live in such busy lifestyles that we are often required to make decisions quickly, to have the right answers, to be in multiple places at the same time, etc. The cost of this lifestyle is more often than not, high. According to the American Institute of Stress "An estimated 75% to 90% of visits to primary-care physicians are for stress-related problems" so any steps taken towards reducing stress, taking better care of ourselves and living in balance with our values is going to impact positively our quality of life.

To start living successfully in balance make a concerted effort today to implement one of the following ideas:

• Let go; sometimes it is worth it
• Forgive; even when you don't agree
• Get rest; recharging your batteries will give you a new outlook
• If there's no fun in it, don't do it; choose activities that are meaningful and that produce a good, healthy state for yourself
• Follow your instinct; if the decision is going to create turmoil with your values and principles, you may want to say no.
• Say no; a good one within itself; do not over commit
• Ask for your help if needed; delegate if necessary
• Be thankful; it is incredible how your mood shifts once you start appreciating even the small things
• Be prepared; do whatever you can do ahead of time so that you are not rushing
• Stay fit; ensure you get plenty of physical activity according to your capability. The benefits are insurmountable and will be like pumping gas on your passion gas tank

And finally, love what you do. When you start combining some of these strategies into your every day life, you will soon see how stress is reduced, and you are better able to handle things without feeling beat. You have the power to take charge; today, right now.This is where you set the personality, style and tone for your newsletter. Your style may be casual, technical or fun depending on your customers and audience.

Author's Bio: 

I partner with individuals and business owners that want to grow and take their accomplishments to a new level. By identifying and setting goals milestones are reached, stressors are reduced and individuals enjoy time to spend with their families and doing the things they enjoy.

As YOUR Coach, I am your partner in the pursuit of your career or personal goals. I take pride in being present, an asset for you and I am 100% committed to give you my best.