Developing unshakable belief is going to one of your key business success strategies . Many of the greatest people in history had nothing but belief to sustain them in the early days or even years of their endeavours. Mary Kay Ash's mascot for her cosmetics company is a bumblebee. Because of its tiny wings and heavy body, aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly. But the bumblebee doesn't know that, so it flies anyway. (Taken from 'Unstoppable' by Cynthia Kersey). You may feel Unstoppable when you first dream of success in your business. You may feel Unstoppable in your first few weeks or months but as the challenges come and the first nagging doubts begin to gnaw away, how you do maintain that unshakable belief ? You may feel that successful people are simply 'born' with a radiating inner self-confidence and belief in their abilities. And some may well be. If you are struggling a little bit at the moment though and wondering if you 'have what it takes' to achieve the success you dream of, take heart from the fact that many more had to dig deep and cultivate that seed of belief, nurture it and develop it until it became a light so bright that nothing could distinguish it. Below are 5 simple steps that you can develop and use. Add them to your other business success strategies and watch your results soar!

STEP 1: Take Immediate Action.Belief comes from achieving success and success is only possible by taking action. The only time results come before work is in the dictionary, so step up to the plate now and take action. The benefit here is twofold: one, become so busy that there is simply no time in your head for the negative self-chatter, you are simply too busy taking action! And two, the busier you are, the quicker you will begin to gather the evidence of success that will fuel your belief. It is the 'Be-Do-Have' principle. First you have to 'Be' in your head the person you wish to become. Second you have to 'Do' the things that all successful people do. And lastly, you can 'Have' the things that successful people have, and that includes an Unstoppable belief system.

STEP 2: Turn Off The Negative Mind Chatter. "You become what you think about", and countless other quotes remind us that "thoughts are things". For most of us, the voice inside that says, "Who do you think you are? What makes you think you can be so great?" like a relentless tidal wave, on and on, is unfortunately much louder than the voice that says, "I possess all the attributes I need to become a fantastically successful business person, and every day I am learning more". And sometimes the volume button can be turned up so loud it completely drowns out the sound of our positive thoughts. Fortunately, it is relatively simple to 'flick the switch'. The conscious mind is only capable of focusing on one thought at a time. Armed with this knowledge and a healthy chunk of self-discipline, every time you notice a negative army of thoughts taking up residence, you can make the conscious effort to replace those thoughts. instead of focusing on what you do not want, or what you cannot do, simply replace it with the question "So what do I want? What can I do to achieve my goal? How can I approach this differently?"

3. Understand That Fear Is A Normal & Natural Response.Fear is a natural reaction to change. It is simply the emotion we feel every time we step to the edge of our comfort zone and our body responds with that genetically programmed 'Fight of Flight' response. Everybody experiences fear. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people, however, is their response to fear. Successful people understand that 'feeling the fear' is just their body's internal warning system saying to them "Uncharted territory ahead, no flight plan available, are you sure you want to proceed?" They acknowledge the fear and 'do it anyway'. Most of us are conditioned to pull back at this point, however. We mis-read the fear signal as 'Danger: No Entry Beyond This Point'. Successful people on the other hand, understand that the fear is really saying is: 'Warning: Proceed With Caution'.

4. Prepare For The Inevitable - Criticism & Rejection Is Part Of The Package. If you know something is on its way, you can prepare for it. Fact number 1: People fear change and the unknown. How many people resisted the idea that the world was round because the magnitude of the concept was just too much to comprehend? Fact number 2: the negative comments of others merely reflect their limitations, not yours. Deal with it by getting rid of the naysayers and surrounding yourself with a mastermind group of positive people will will inspire you.

5. Ignore The "Experts".These experts may be self-appointed - state your intentions to somebody and their will almost always have an 'expert opinion' on the matter. Perhaps more dangerous, however, are the 'real' experts. Why? Because their opinion is founded on the facts and results produced by research. The problem? This research is always conducted on an idea or a product that relates to the past. It is impossible to do 'future' research and therefore it is impossible to 'know' the outcome of a new idea or a new venture. At most, these people can offer a calculated opinion. And history has proven over and over that expert 'opinions' do not amount to very much. Here are just a couple of my favourites:

"No one will buy a tape player that doesn't record" - opinion of market researchers at Sony.

"Personal computers are a hobbyist fad." Prediction of IBM, Intel, HP, Atari and countless other electronics companies.

Armed with this knowledge go out there and implement these ideas into your business success strategies. Most of all take action. After all, knowledge is useless without action :)

Author's Bio: 

We believe that Success is an attitude - 90% mindset and 10% hard work. Life should be about working harder on your dreams than you do on your job, and we are privileged to have been able to spend the last 2 years working from home in association with a business that has fuelled our passion for self-growth and personal development. Our blog reflects our belief that positive mindset management and continuous self improvement are key to achieving success in life. We invite you to visit us at to experience more success quotes, inspirational videos and tips on leveraging your success. Wishing you every success in life, Mandy & Trevor.

Success is a team sport - are you playing to win?