What is “subspace”? Courtney Brown, Ph.D., professor of political science and statistics at the University of Georgia in Atlanta, and remote viewer and director of the Farsight Institute, appropriated this word from the Star Trek series, where it was undefined, and gave it a definition. He needed a term to “separate the physical from the nonphysical realms without imposing a more rigorous view of dimensional complexity on either of those realms.” (From p. 22 of his book Remote Viewing: The Science and Theory of Nonphysical Perception, 2005. Just before the end of this article, I’ll give a brief history of “remote viewing” as created and defined by the U.S. government and CIA).

“Hyperspace” didn’t work because it had a distinct meaning in physics. Psychological terms from transpersonal psychology , Jung’s “collective unconscious,” and terms like “unconscious” and “subconscious” didn’t work because of the wide range of possible meanings and interpretations used by different practitioners. Religious and spiritual terms were definitely out, as they have many different cultural and emotional connotations and definitions. (Besides, who wants to be attacked by both religion and science at the same time?)

Courtney needed a term that was known but that had no scientific, psychological, religious, or spiritual associations. He needed a term that had not been defined. Subspace fit the bill! As you will see, I think it fits the bill even better than might be imagined.

But first, how does Courtney define subspace? Subspace is “the nonphysical component of existence,” the “set of all dimensions outside of the known four dimensions …” (p. 23, ibid). The part of the remote viewer that can remote view is his “subspace aspect” (which some may refer to as the soul, spiritual self, individual consciousness, the atman, the self, or the higher or inner self, but all of those terms have baggage that can get in the way of a fresh look). The subspace aspect is “the connector between the physical and subspace realms.” The subspace aspect makes nonlocal perception possible.

What better word can we use for this invisible medium? I can’t think of any. True, it is not a colorful word, and it makes no sense—what could be under space?—but that’s why it’s the best word to date to use to describe that to which it refers. As long as a word is bland and unintelligible, people are not likely to start wars, ideological or otherwise, over it.

And what better source than Star Trek to find a meaningful word from the future? (It is suspected by some that the script writers dipped into future timelines to write some of that stuff, whether they were aware of doing so or not.)

Another word for subspace (which we cannot use because it has already been taken, but it is one of my personal favorites) is the ancient Sanskrit term from Raja Yoga, the yoga of the mind: “akasha.” Akasha basically translates as “space,” but a special kind of space: a luminous space, of “primordial radiance” or pre-matter. It is often translated as “subtle space.” It is nonphysical and nonmaterial, yet matter is born from it. It underlies all of existence and contains all knowledge of all that ever was, all that is, and all that will ever be. Yoga masters have called it “the field of all possibilities.” And it is accessible to the mind. It is said of the yogi, “Sitting still, he travels far.” In Scientific Remote Viewing, Courtney Brown writes, “Remote viewing is a natural process of a deeply settled mind. Remote perception works best when it is not forced in any way. I have often said that the ancient seers were our first human astronauts. While in a deeply relaxed state, they let their minds roam across the fabric of the universe, and some perceived what was there with surprising accuracy.”

Note the similarities to the term subspace: The akasha is space that underlies all existence; it is nonphysical; it contains all knowledge; it is accessible by the mind. In fact, the mind arises from it. Without it, there would be no mind and no matter, no trees or frogs or humans. Accessing the akasha, or subspace, makes possible what today we call nonlocal perception. One can turn one’s attention to the field of all possibilities and all knowledge to detect and decode specific information.In ancient times, the yogis, shamans, wise ones, and medicine people—the walkers in two worlds, those with the inclination to poke around in subspace—probably contributed far more to humanity than they have been given credit for. I don’t really think early humans depended on trial and error as much as conventional science assumes. Conventional science doesn’t factor access to subspace into the picture, and it looks down upon shamanic witchy types. (How much of what we call “instinct” in ourselves and other species is really biology accessing subspace data? What part might the basic accessing of subspace data play in the evolution of life? In the orchestration of thousands of chemical reactions in the body every moment?)

Subspace may be not only the final frontier, but the first frontier as well.ENGAGE!

What is remote viewing? Here is the definition from the original CRV (Coordinate Remote Viewing) manual:
Remote Viewing (RV): The name of a method of psychoenergetic perception. A term coined by SRI-International and defined as “the acquisition and description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time.”
“ … remote viewing theory postulates a non- material ‘Matrix’ in which any and all information about any person, place or thing may be obtained through the agency of a hypothesized ‘signal line.’ The viewer psychically perceives and decodes this signal line and objectifies the information so obtained.”

The U.S. government’s remote viewing program has an extensive and complex history. It all began at the Stanford Research Institute with two physicists testing psychics for the military. After it became clear that psychic ability does exist, the StarGate program was began, although under a variety of names and oversight through the years. What it comes down to is that for more than 20 years and millions of dollars, the government used and funded remote viewing. When the cat got out of the bag, the government publically disowned it, hiring skeptics to conduct a study on its validity and giving them a minute amount of information (probably the most questionable sessions ever done over the years). Some believe development continues further underground. I don’t see why it wouldn’t; it has been proven beyond a doubt (to those who take the time to study the matter sufficiently) that remote viewing is valid and valuable. In addition, other world powers are undoubtedly using it. Would the U.S. government want to left out? I don’t think so!

Since 1995 the Farsight Institute has been dedicated to the research and public education in the field of remote viewing and has conducted public experiments of remote viewing with full scientific controls over many years. Courtney Brown offers a free 13-lesson course on his site. Just click on SRV from the HOME page at www.farsight.org . Also note his current experiments and the latest experiment on the Great Pyramid of Giza.Training in remote viewing as a discipline with specific scientific protocols and methodology as originally developed by the military CIA StarGate program is offered by the original remote viewers and some of their students. The following websites offer a lot of free material for learning and practicing remote viewing for those who are interested. The techniques help refine natural abilities and increase accuracy. Here are some of the main sites; they all include links to other RV sites and plenty of free resource material, including the original.

Remote Viewing Links

For more on the akasha, I recommend Science and the Akashic Field: An Integrated Theory of Everything (not another TOE!) by Ervin Laszlo and The Akashic Experience: Science and the Cosmic Memory Field, complied by Ervin Laszlo with contributions by Alex Grey, Stanislav Grof, Stanley Krippner, Swami Kriyananda, Edgar Mitchell, Eric Pearl, Larry Dossey, and others. I also recommend the original Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali, the pinnacle teaching of Raja Yoga , because it delves very deeply yet very succinctly into the nature of the mind and reality. It is an amazing work to be a few thousand years old (and it is a record of a tradition well established for thousands of years before that); but we must remember that those using this system were accessing subspace, or the akasha, the field of all knowledge across all time and space (for their own purposes and within the context of their historical period).

Author's Bio: 

Linda R. Reneau is a meditation teacher in Monroe, Louisiana. She began her practice of meditation in 1969 with Sri Nirvananda Deva, studying the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. She has been a student of remote viewing for several years, studying officially and unofficially with former military trained remote viewers.