Project works and how it is run. They key organisation behind the project, the Bonita Trust, aFrom looking through this website, anyone can get an idea of how the Flip lready operate another key charity venture in Gibraltar, involving community school children, however in this instance, they have combined forces with Credit Suisse, in order to set up this scheme, which draws upon teenagers currently in schooling in Gibraltar, and has them complete projects alongside their education.

From the homepage, any interested parties can get a sense of the work that this scheme has done to date, what funds they have raised, and for which part of the community, as well as for which charity . By reading through these pages, it becomes clear how the direct aim of the project is linked to the development of the participating individuals, and their community rather than the traditional financial support of charities, which is the common perception of charitable work.

Having said this however, this site also provides a full listing of the current selection of charities which have benefited from this schemes work, the majority of which are related to chronic illness support . Any money raised by the participants of the scheme, is matched by the Bonita Trust and then donated across the charities selected by the participating students.

Offering information on topics varying from the overall aims of the project to the format that the course takes, in line with the education received by the participating individuals during years 12 and 13 of school as well as the first year of University, this website offers a complete representation of how the Flip Project works, as well as how it benefits its participants and the communities that they are a part of.

Community rewards are a key part of this project. As much as there has been financial backing to various charities including those affiliated with chronic illness support, the key benefactors of this scheme, are the young people involved with it, learning, as they do, key skills which they can take on into later life. Not only skills directly relevant to charity work, but also financial knowledge, as documented through the course explanations on this website. A key part of the projects that the students undertake as part of the project are based around financial management and so they learn these skills to take them on into later life as well.

From reading through this entire site then, anyone can gain an idea of how the scheme works, who its main contributors and benefactors are, as well as how it goes hand it hand with education and community development.

Author's Bio: 

Future Leaders In Philanthropy project includes participation of local students to provide nonprofit fundraising ideas for charity to create community awareness in Gibraltar amongst the teenagers.
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