As I began to spiritually mature I noticed that I was really unhappy when I didn't get my own way. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time in a sour mood. Somebody suggested I let go and let God take over. At the time that didn't sound like a very good idea to me. Give up control???
What I now know for sure is that anytime I am unhappy and I can't make up my mind about how to fix it I can turn to God and get direction. I also know where to get the right answer if I don't get it during meditation ; the bible.
Here's a real life example of what I mean. Last week I was God Journaling after my husband and I had left an argument unresolved. In my God Journal I wrote:
Dear God, we're yelling at each other about not helping each other and that's not the kind of marriage I want. But neither of us wants to admit we're wrong or sorry for fighting. Please help us.
I was feeling unappreciated for "all the work I do around the house" and he was feeling "bossed around and worthless."
It took a little while after writing my problem in my God Journal, but while waiting for direction I did my best to keep my heart open and I was genuinely wanting a solution; even if the answer was that I was wrong.
Then the "knowledge" started pouring in from the Holy Spirit: Two broken-spirited people cannot get along. The broken spirits must be healed first.
This intuitive gift from God went directly from my head to my heart and I knew it was the truth.
So I Googled this question, "What does the bible say about a broken Spirit?" and here's what I found. This is backup information at it's best.
Psalms 34:18 The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." We were certainly crushed under the weight of arguing. We began to understand that a broken spirit can come from any number of things:
Harsh words and actions against us growing up.
Well boy, did the stubbornness ever hit home for me. A wise woman once asked me, "Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?" Well, by God, I wanted to be right AND happy, at any cost. This frame of mind has hurt me all my life and has contributed to my own self-made unhappiness.
But this time, by reading the Psalms passage in the bible, I began to see what God wanted me to know:
I had a broken spirit.
He understands my brokenness.
He wants to help me with my stubbornness so he can heal my spirit.
He would help me set aside my pride and help me tell my husband that I'd rather make up and be happy than right.
If stubbornness is creating an unhappy relationship anywhere in your life, rest assured that you don't have to try to fix it yourself anymore. If your heart is discouraged, go open up your bible and read Psalm 33 and become refreshed again. God answers our prayers through what has been written in the bible. And by the way, when you read the word fear in that passage, replace it with the word respect and you will find comfort.
What God wants you to know today is that if you're having troubles, ask Him for his advice and guidance. He has the time for you. He has the wisdom you've been seeking. He understands your pain and He has the answer to your problems.
You are so loved.

Author's Bio: 

My life's work is to inspire others to have a God-filled life with all the Fruits of the Spirit that go with it. All my articles are designed to uplift you, give you hope and solutions. This is done with my Spiritual Woman Gifts website, Facebook, blog and newsletters. Sign up for your free God-Inspired Newsletter at entering your email address at the upper left corner in the green box.