In the stone ages, stress was actually a good thing. It caused human beings to remain alert and ready to avoid the dangers of day to day life. Think of the caveman running from the pterodactyl. Our bodies were specifically designed to recognize these types of stressors and react to them. However, if the caveman was able to outrun the pterodactyl long enough, the beast would eventually give up and go find someone else to eat. Thus the caveman got a break from the stressor. Imagine how long the caveman would last knowing there is no end in sight; no possible reprieve from eventually being eaten by the pterodactyl. Think of the anxiety that comes from a constant barrage of stress, day in and day out. Or, if you are like most Americans, you don’t need to imagine it, because you live it. Stress. We experience stress at home, at work, and at school. We stress over finances, schedules, the economy, the groceries, and band practice…you name it, and we can find a way to be stressed out about it.

No aspect of our lives is typically more stressful than work. Especially in these demanding economic times, there is stress to find work. And if you are lucky enough to land that dream job, there is the stress of performing up to par in order to keep it. Not to mention, if you don’t land the dream job, working in the wrong job can quickly cause burnout and coworker conflicts. Dealing with co-workers can be tricky when you are all happy and productive. Get a room full of emotionally stressed-out people and watch the sparks fly.

This leads us to relationship stress. Interpersonal relationships can make or break your emotional health. Conflicts with your spouse, parents or children can lead to undue stress and depression . Also, stress and worry over family finances is among the top causes of divorce in the United States.

The effects of stress are far reaching. Being stressed out can cause:

Decreased productivity
Emotional eating
Under eating
Crying spells
Drug abuse

Not only can being stressed out take its toll on your behaviors, it can seriously affect your thoughts and feelings as well. Stress can make you restless, insecure, unfocused and irritable. And those who are chronically stressed can suffer physically also. Many people experience headaches, back and/or chest pain, high blood pressure, upset stomach and a decreased immune system.

It is important to take the necessary steps to reduce the stress in your day to day life. There are countless ways in which to get some relief from daily stress. Try working out, or take a yoga or tai chi class. Take a hot bath with lavender scented oils to melt away the lingering tension from a stressful day. Practice some relaxation techniques or meditation .

Remember, chronic stress can have the same effects on your health and well-being as long term smoking, alcohol consumption and lack of exercise so it’s important to shake the pterodactyl off your scent and get some much deserved relaxation .

Author's Bio: 

Jim Riggs
Fitness and Nutrition Expert
Industry Expert
Fitness Coach and Personal Trainer

Jim Riggs is an authority in the fitness, nutrition and supplement industries. With more than twenty years of experience training everyone from soccer moms, to NFL Athletes, to Olympic gold medalists he has seen it all. Jim has a unique understanding, style and passion toward everything fitness. As a contributing writer for Jim brings this uniqueness to the supplement world through no nonsense product review and hard hitting commentary.