I have read plenty self-help books both in hard copy as well as soft copy. Some of the most noteworthy are Napoleon’s Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich’ and Anthony Robbin’s ‘Awaken the Giant Within’. There are, in fact, only a few books out there that are of the top quality content. This is because most of them are simply made up of recycled concepts and ideas and the worst part is that they are pretty theoretical. However, I have to say that I was stumped by the content of this e-book – in a positive light.

This e-book not only contains comprehensive theory on how to be successful but also concrete action plans for the reader to follow. The book also comes with a workbook for the reader to write down their goals and steps that they plan to take. I personally believe that this is a fundamental step in goal-setting.

Even though most books on self-improvement and motivation are merely same concepts used over and over again, I have to say that this book serves more than just a repackaged content from some other self-help books . It is an elaboration which explains in detail what those success concepts are and what are the practical steps required.

Besides that, the ideas in the book are presented in a clear simple-to-understand language. That is important for readers to digest the information in the book. This is because many self-help books out there are written in a complicated bombastic language which not many readers can grasp easily in the first instance.

Another factor which I like about this e-book is that it combines some practical applications from Neuro-linguistic programming. This is something which I find unique about the book unlike some other self-help books which simply mentions theories that are easier said than done.

However, there are some areas of improvement for the book. Firstly, I felt that the organization of the content and how it is presented out can be better. In my opinion, it will be better for the reader to be able to read more life-story examples so that they are able to associate with message better. Despite all of this, the negative aspects are just a minute part of the whole package as the benefits to the reader are far more valuable.

As a conclusion, I strongly believe that a lot of people can benefit from the book. Its content, presented in a clear and concise manner, is very comprehensive and straight to the point. It is jam-packed with practical steps which you can take and follow. In my opinion, it could be the first step for you to take steps in order to achieve your goals in life. Like the saying goes, “The journey of 10,000 miles begins with a first step”.

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