Do you find yourself making excuses for your business? Do you say “Oh, I’m just a small business owner?” or “I’m a new business owner?” or perhaps “I have no money”. Well, I learned early on in my military career that excuses are like a certain body part. We all have one. Today is the day to drop the excuses and start playing with the big dogs. What would you need to do to be able to compete with the big dogs?

Employ my five tips because - today is the day you stop talking and start doing.

1. Change Your Mindset – take time to review your mission and vision statement. Do they still inspire you and remind you why you are in business? It may be time to update them. Are you on track to reach your vision? I want you to stop playing small. I want you to stop listening to the hype that it is ok to not turn a profit until you hit your five year anniversary. You must change your mindset and start acting and performing like the owner of a big business. You must wake up each day and get dressed and perform with a purpose. Identify at least one item that will help you grow your business and do it. Do it whether you like it or not. Determine if your business is a true business or a hobby and run it as such.

2. Review Your Financials – do not ignore or put off doing your bookkeeping. You must learn what the numbers mean. Do you even know your credit score? Do you know your net worth? The big dogs know what numbers are on their financial statements and they know their net worth. If you are in an industry that requires working capital it is ok to apply for a loan so that you can continue to grow your business. You need to educate yourself on the loan programs available. You need to have a credit card for business emergencies. You need to know your banker. You must be proactive. Stop being scared of the numbers.

3. Review Your Business Systems – when a client does not pay, the bank account is empty, the ad copy has a typo, emails are not returned in a timely manner, telephone calls are missed or a bill is paid late it is time to review your business systems. Take time to review what is working and what is not working for each and every business system. If you have not taken time to design your business systems you are leaving money on the table by wasting time and forgetting to invoice clients. You are also probably not following up with new clients again, leaving money on the table. You must have systems to save yourself time and money.

4. Stop the Excuses – today is the day you stop using all the excuses that new business owners have heard and used. Today is the day you step up and start playing big. If you do not have working capital use the free of the internet. Go to the library and use their computer if you do not own one. There are several resources available to you even if you do not have money. There are even free legal services. When you start to hear an excuse coming out of your mouth you must stop and think about what business system needs changed so that you never ever utter that excuse again. Stop the excuses. Stop blaming the dog, stop blaming the spouse, stop blaming the mailman etc…STOP THE EXCUSES!

5. Call Your Coach – as your business coach I will guide you to finding the right answer for your business. I am not a franchise coach. I design my programs for each of my clients based on his or her needs. I find the resources and design the programs so that my clients will succeed in business. I am just a phone call or email away.

You are a business owner because you believe in your product or service. Now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and start playing with the big dogs. When you use my five tips above you will see a shift in your thinking, attitude , posture and bank account. So get on out there and start playing with the big dogs.

Author's Bio: 

Jaynine Howard is a retired United States Marine and former psychotherapist. She is the owner of Dream Catcher Business & Life Coaching. Founded in 2006, Dream Catcher Business & Life Coaching helps business owners, nonprofits, and individuals nationally and internationally turn their dreams into wealth and success. Coach Jaynine and her team of associate coaches will help you jump start your business and life through business, career, and life coaching. Jaynine is a member of the Jacksonville-Onslow Chamber of Commerce, the Carteret Chamber of Commerce, the American Psychological Association, 24/7 Coaching, and Coachville. You can download your free ecourse My 5 Secrets to Networking .