I see you, Leader…

And you are lying!

Lying over and over and over again about what you claim to want…

About what you claim your life is supposed to be about…

About how busy you are…

Actually, no…  You are not lying about being busy!

Of course you are so busy…

Busy attending to everyone else’s agenda except yours and then you tell me that you have a feeling that you are born for more than this…

And that you want it all…

And that you feel that your life is dissappearing in front of your eyes…

And you wonder where the real you has gone…

And you claim to be ready to step things up…

And then nothing, nothing, NOTHING!

You keep doing the SAME OLD STUFF!

You keep telling yourself the SAME OLD LIES!

And you keep getting the SAME OLD, NON-EXISTENT RESULTS!



You have more and more people leeching onto you for support…

People you do love but you know they are not YOUR PERFECT people!

And frankly, you are not really sure you actually even like them all that much because they drain and they drain and they drain you!

They drain out all of your energy and when it comes to doing the work you claim to really want to do…

You tell me you are too tired or too busy or too depressed or whatever!


ONLY do the real work?

When will you see that unless you take matters into your own hands and do something different, you will keep getting the same old worthless results!

You will keep feeling the same old, horrid deadness inside…

You will keep being tired all the time…

You will keep sinking lower and lower into depression

Because honey, you are not on YOUR narrow path!

You are taking the broad, comfortable road to nowhere!

The road where ‘norms’ live!

The road where you are accoladed by people who just want you to stay in place doing what they want you to do…

The road where the very people who accolade you one second, then turn on you the next because nothing you ever do is actually enough for them!

And the road where you feel that familiar sense of ‘my life is passing me by and I am doing nothing of real significance’!

Except if you are as deluded as I used to be!

Where I could convince myself that it was all a part of the sacrifice that had to be made in order to one day, maybe, if I was REALLY sacrificial then just MAYBE, I would get to FINALLY live MY life the way I felt called to.

If I did enough of what ‘they’ wanted, then maybe, just maybe I would hear the voice from heaven telling me that it was now my time!



I call you Leader but sometimes I wonder if you even know the responsibility that that title comes with…

All this seeking approval from people who are not your people, is just sickening to watch…

It really is, if I am honest!

Because honey, I see you!

And the leader I see is much more powerful than this!

The leader I see has powerful real work to be doing!

And this pretend thing you are doing where you lie about wanting to impact and make millions but actually then spend your WHOLE DAY appeasing the ‘norms’ in your life…


And you know it is not you!

YOU absolutely KNOW IT!

When will you wake up, leader and actually rip off the band aid and get to work doing the REAL work you are born to do?

That gnawing dissatisfaction you feel is not going to go away, you know!

You can deceive yourself all you want to, but that dissatisfaction is going nowhere!


You are the one who is going to have to actually commit ALL OF YOU into getting massive results – the real results that you want, not these fake, ‘feel-good for a second but then feel terrible for all eternity’, type results!

And then you give me the same old lame excuse of not having the money to do what you want to do, to work with me so that I can fire you up on a regular basis and I say…


I do not buy into your lies!


And I know that you are more powerful than this…

And yet, right now, you are scared to actually play full out and get the life you claim to want.

And it is showing in the lack of results you are getting…

It is showing in the lack of money you are making…

Because you are LYING TO YOURSELF!!!!

And you are not showing up powerfully in the marketplace either!

Yes, I want to offend you and make you angry enough to see the nonsensical game you are playing here!

Pleasing people who are not your people…

And completely invisible to the people who are your people…

When will you stop lying, Leader?

You have been tamed by the events of your life…

And it is time to remember, to really remember the powerful, charismatic, fiery, attractive, sexy LEADER you were born to be…

That is the person you keep thinking you have lost…

And you are not lost.

You have simply covered yourself up and now it is time to strip off all the layers…

And jump back on your narrow path!

To dare to say the things you keep holding back…

To dare to do the things that you actually want to do, rather than just what you think you HAVE to do…

to dare to play full out and have all the things you dream of having…

Leader, you can HAVE IT ALL!

And no matter what those silly ‘norms’ would have you believe, it is not selfish to go after IT ALL!

It is essential that you do!

Because it is not until you start playing this game full out as YOU, that you will get to impact the millions you are acalled to and then you will start to make the millions as well.

The more of your real people you serve, the more money you will make…

The more of your fake people you serve, the smaller you get inside, the more depressed you feel inside…

And the more broke you get!

Your choice, Leader…

Your choice!

And right now, I am looking for leaders ready to wake up and live out their true calling…

Leaders who are fed up of all their own nonsense…

Charismatic leaders who are ready to rip off the bandaid…

Powerful leaders who are ready to take those dreams from inside their head and make them real!

The untamed leader!

I think you might be that leader but you know what, I can think whatever I like, you are the one who has to actually claim that position!

And if you are ready to BE that leader, then work with me for 5 weeks in the 5C Power Strategy For Accelerated Online Business Success Bootcamp and you will go from getting no results to Making More Money Online…

To being The Unleashed, Charismatic Leader You Are BORN To Be…

To attracting Customers, Clients, Recruits More Easily Than Ever Before!

Are you ready?

Find out more and join in now by going over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5C

Leader, it is time to fight for, to deliberately design the life you are born to live.

Author's Bio: 

And if you want to know exactly how to get your first five customers step-by-step then pop on over to RosemaryNonnyKnight.com/5customers to get the free blueprint.

Rosemary Nonny Knight used to be a pharmacist and then decided to do her own thing and gain freedom. She made it happen with real estate management and now shows others how to set up their own business and get those first few customers online