Splitting up with your boyfriend is always tough and can leave you wondering how to get back together with him afterwards. Your relationship with your boyfriend will be different to the next persons relationship with their boyfriend and so on, but there are some steps that you can apply to get your boyfriend back regardless of the type of relationship you had.

At this stage, it is best to keep from nagging your ex. Nagging will only push him away and make him think of the things he least wants in a relationship. Making the time you do spend together uncomfortable, will only push him further away. Your aim is to get your boyfriend back and anything that you can do to help that outcome will speed up the process.

Keep things as positive as possible whenever you are in his company. Talk to him honestly but do not pretend to be something that you are not. If you do feel the need to pretend with him, you might want to think hard about why you want to get back together with him.

Remaining pleasant after the break up will also help you see any problems you had in a clearer and more positive light. Remember that you cannot change what happened in the past but you can change your attitude towards the future. It is likely that you ended up taking your boyfriend for granted and if so, let him know that you did because for all you know, he may have taken you for granted too.

When your ex boyfriend has moved on and started a new relationship with someone other than you, then your goal of getting him back has just become more difficult. In his mind you will be more apart of the past, with his attention focused on his new girlfriend. The best thing you can do in this case is to remain nice and let him realize that he misses having you around.

There are a few steps that you can take that may backfire if you are not careful. Deception, even if it doesn't seem harmful, is one of those steps. Lying to your ex can come back to hurt you in the future. It is not worth the effort involved by tricking your ex, only to lose his trust if he finds out later.

Making your boyfriend jealous is another one of these steps that can easily backfire on you. Dating someone else might make him believe that you have moved on. Not to mention that it would not be fair on yourself or your date. Sticking to honest, genuine steps to get your ex back will ensure you the best chance at success.

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Here is more information on dating after a break up for those of you who just got dumped , to help you choose the most genuine steps to get your ex boyfriend back.