In 2007 I looked around and realized I had in essence retired early. I was living the life of my dreams . I was doing work I would do whether or not I got paid for it and even if I only had a year left to live. What happened? So much had manifested in such a short time it felt like a mystery to me.

When I watched the movie " The Secret " I realized there was a formula to what I had been practicing my whole life. Only now, it was happening so fast! I naturally had to investigate this because if it was mere luck, then it could just as easily be taken away.

The instructions in " The Secret " are the fun part of the formula. I spent the 80’s affirming and visualizing and I didn’t get very far. I’ve always been a day dreamer so visualizing for me isn’t as difficult as it is for most people who aren’t accustomed to using their imagination this way.

My aha! moment arrived when I read Joe Vitale’s book, "Spiritual Marketing". He said, “clear the energy channels and you can do, be and have anything you want.” Not because I wanted to manifest a mansion in the foothills but because I wanted to be free of the pain from a particular trauma I began “clearing the channels” in the mid 90’s. Over a period of ten years I got better and better at manifesting my intentions.

In retrospect I realized I had all I had because I had systematically removed my inner resistance to having more abundance in my life. Each time I let go of old patterns of thinking that led to old ways of being, ways that reflected my perception of unworthiness, I expanded my capacity to receive more.

As my self awareness increased my personal goals became clearer to me. As I began creating intentions that aligned with who I am rather than forcing my self to "get with the program" that came from other peoples ideas regarding the pursuit of happiness , my intentions manifested even faster.

I truly believe it is this process of clearing inner resistance to having what you desire that is far more empowering than the more widely accepted concepts of hard work and discipline.

When you joyfully follow your inner guidance you don’t need that kind of discipline; you want to do it. The hardest work of all is best described in the 1910 classic, The Science of Getting Rich:

“There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world. This is especially true when truth is contrary to appearances.”

At the end of the day I don’t have the "juice" to visualize my ideal day. It takes a lot of energy to focus on what doesn’t yet exist---what is contrary to appearances. Visualizing is extremely powerful when you can imagine something so vividly you begin feeling grateful, like you already have it. In fact, even if you never get it, it feels really good to go to that place. Day dreaming like a child is what gets you into the process of creating a life style that better serves you.

Here’s the catch----the reason most people don’t manifest their hearts desires is they just don’t have the energy to focus consistently like that and if they do, they aren’t aware of the biggest obstacle of all---the resistance that lies within.Every obstacle you see in your reality is a reflection of a belief you have about the world.

Trust me, there is so much you don’t even know you don’t know!

Know this, every result you see is a reflection of your intentions. Most of what most people have created has come from hard work, discipline and their default programming. Only after you get what you thought you wanted, what they wanted, and still feel unsatisfied you naturally begin setting some new goals for yourself.If your desires are powerful enough they will bring to the surface the old ways of being that conflict with the new ways of being that are required for you to live a different life style. The two energies cannot co-exist. You either have to clear out the old pattern to make way for the new or let go of what you want, falling into doubt, despair and failure.

It is only your own doubt and fear that can stop you. If something appears on your radar screen, it means it’s a possibility for you. You may have to work for it however. Not by simply affirming I deserve this and imagining that you have it, but by becoming painfully aware of the resistance you have to having it. Usually you are only one thought away from what you most want. This is why we see what appears to be an over-night success. It rarely is. It’s also what’s meant by getting out of your own way.

Instead of beating yourself up when the old ways of being surface, observe them, be grateful they’ve made their presence known. You’re now one step closer to your dream. Have at least one professional support person on your team who can help you let go. When you learn to trust this process, you will be truly astounded by the results.
Simply visualizing and affirming is like going to the garden shop to pick out new plants--how fun! Phase two is tilling the soil. If you aren’t willing to do the inner work, if your goal/intention is not worth it then you need to find a way to accept life as is so you can at least have peace of mind.

The greatest secret I can share with you beyond having professional support you can trust, is to get into that space of feeling grateful for all that you have and all that you can imagine having as often as possible. Take 30 seconds to breathe deeply and feel genuinely grateful for anything that reflects beauty and abundance . This will cultivate the courage you need to get through the process and on your way to living the life of your dreams .

Author's Bio: 

After years of working with success coaches and spiritual teachers Barbara Zagata realized there was a formula to how she had been manifesting her success. AS she coached others she realized they didn't have the time or energy to think outside of the box enough to imagine more, so she condensed the highlights of her process into a little book. Based on the principles of the latest research in Neuroscience she designed the book to be small enough and entertaining enough to be read multiple times. Outside the box repetition designed to alter your expectations regarding your possibilities.
"Don't Stress Manifest" is available at and Booklocker.comYou can watch the first chapter on YouTube at