The holidays provide the best opportunity to relax and spend time with family and friends. Holiday parties with buffet style meals and finger foods can be tempting for you to overeat. This senerio can make the health concious worry about adding extra weight to their body.

But there is a way around this while still enjoying some of the treats. You just need to plan ahead, set goals for yourself and stick to them to be able to holiday without the worry. Here are some ways that you can stick to your diet and enjoy the holidays.

For most people, holidays are a good excuse to let your workout routine go. It is easy to think that it is ok to pig out when you have been so good the week or month before. To start with, have the goal of sticking to your fitness routine right through the holidays.

By exercising less often and overeating during the holidays, your body is much more likely to store excess fat. It can be a case of going back to the beginning if you leave exercising for too long, so make the positive decision to stay in shape.

Use the Cheat Your Way Thin diet . During the holiday season you will be surrounded by great looking food that will be tempting to eat and tempt you to leave your workout routine behind. So allow yourself a day to get your cravings out of the way by treating yourself to any of these types of foods. But you must keep your fitness routine going at the same time. Read a Cheat Your Way Thin review for more information.

Don't feel guilty on your cheat day either because you are allowed. Just line up your cheat day with a holiday event. If you miss out on a day of exercise , don't think too much about it but continue on as normal.

Keep another day aside during the holidays to focus on your motivational reason to continue with your workouts. And watch your food portions when on holidays. Only eat higher calorie foods in moderation to avoid putting on weight.

If you have plans to eat a larger dinner, you can change your other meals to make room for your dinner. Try eating smaller breakfast and lunch portions to allow a larger dinner. Or try to eat the same amount as you would normally at dinner time to avoid having to change your regular pattern.

Everyone has choices, whatever situation you are in. So choose the best option at the time. If there is no healthy option, simply go with a smaller portion rather than a larger one.

Author's Bio: 

Emily Dawson is an avid health promoter and article writer. Emily writes articles primarily on motivation to lose weight, effective weight loss programs and weight loss issues.