Finally! We’ve had a few bright beautiful sunny days! Spring really feels like it’s here! And, I confess, I have a serious case of spring fever!

Merriam Webster dictionary defines spring fever as:

“A lazy or restless feeling often associated with the onset of Spring”

Yup! That’s what I have!

Those of you who know me, know that I’m a focused individual who is always busy getting something done. With the onset of this year’s case of spring fever, it has been very difficult for me to focus on accomplishing the long list of items on my to-dolist. Right about now, I think it would be really nice to just sit and read a fiction book, or go for a walk on the beach, or do just about anything that isn’t on my to-do list! How about the rest of you…do you feel this way?

Here are 4 ways my clients have successfully handled their spring fever!

1) Give in to your spring fever!
Sometimes just giving yourself permission to enjoy your spring fever, instead of fighting it, can have amazing results! Taking a full day, ½ day, an hour or even 30 minutes to really do whatever you WANT to do can be very beneficial. There is one
caveat: If you decide to take the time and give in to your spring fever, then really give in to it. Don’t spend the time feeling guilty or worrying about your to-do list. Really be 100% present as you IMMERSE yourself in your spring fever!

2) Figure out a way to do two things at once
This one may take some creativity . Is there a way that you can honor your spring fever, while still getting something completed on your to-do list? For example, maybe you can take a walk in nature as you think about a project you’re working on or a report you need to write. Be sure to take along a small notebook or use a recording app on your phone to easily capture your thoughts. And, it may be a good idea to spend the first few minutes just enjoying your spring fever and then switch to thinking about your task.

3) Spring cleaningThis probably sounds funny to some of you, but this can be very powerful. After clearing out something, you often have renewed energy and it is much easier to get and stay focused. This doesn’t mean you have to clean out your entire work space or home. Sometimes, just picking one area, say your desk or an overflowing book case, will do the trick. Is there an area of your work space that could use some reorganization or straightening up? Why not take a few minutes to put your restless spring fever energy to work on some spring cleaning and then pay attention to how productive you are afterwards?

4) Reward yourselfIf you’re struggling with spring fever, then maybe you can make a deal with yourself. It might go something like this… Once I get this report done, I will reward myself with 30 minutes to indulge in my spring fever by reading my fiction book. Having something to look forward to can help to keep you focused on the task at hand.

Another way to use a reward is to use a kitchen timer or the clock on your phone. For example, set the timer for 20-minutes and promise yourself you will stay focused on whatever task you have chosen until the timer rings. Once the timer rings, you can reward yourself with something, such as a cup of tea, a walk outside, a phone call to a friend, etc.

I hope you find these suggestions valuable!

Oh good! There goes my timer…so, I’m off for a little bit of fresh air!

Author's Bio: 

Since 2005, trusted confidant and sage Helen Kosinski has partnered with small business owners and corporate leaders who are too busy to think straight. Together they unlock creative steps to strip away what isn’t working and replace it with an inventive work life, allowing her clients to freely enjoy what’s most meaningful to them.

If you are a small business owner or corporate leader struggling to free up your time to do what is most meaningful to you, setup a complimentary 30-minute telephone coaching meeting with Helen or sign-up to get “4 Tips to Take Back Your Time” at .