Spirit Speaks. It's always speaking, and it will get your attention one way or another when you're not hearing it and following the messages of your heart's desires. The messages begin in whispers and, if you're not listening, they will begin to come as signs. You’ll get the signs over and over and over, if that’s what’s needed to get your attention, until you finally let go of whatever it is that Spirit is asking you to release. Maybe it’s a job that no longer serves you, or a career, a relationship, a physical hardship or a perturbing way of thinking about your self. So, are you listening?

How many messages do you send yourself that have you attacking your self-worth, your sense of belonging to your life, or the value of what you are here to contribute? These messages can become so strong or so seemingly permanently engrained that you can forget they are even there, and you make choices to live your life in ways that don’t serve your highest good or highest soul purpose. You’ll know when you do this, because the signs will be there. You’ll feel “off,” or depressed or confused. You may luxuriate in self-pity, wallow in the impossibility of choices that your heart sends you – the things you know on some level that you want, but for which you have hundreds, thousands, millions of excuses for why they won’t work, and then you feel awful and hopeless. That’s not the effect of Spirit Speak; it’s the effect of choosing to listen to ego and believe what it's been telling you -- and none of it is true.

Your heart -- your spiritual heart -- is the inlet for the voice of Spirit and it is your greatest cheerleader. The messages may not always be easy, but they will always support you in finding and having JOY. Your heart will tell you what you need: "It's time to let go of this job and move on to something better," or "This relationship isn't serving you. Let go!" or even a simple, "It's ok to allow this change in your life. You are safe!"

Ego can try to come up wtih a million of excuses for why this isn't true, or why it won’t work. You know when you choose to listen to ego -- you won't feel good, because ego's messages don't feel good. If you're feeling bad, then on some level, consciously or not, you are choosing to believe what ego is saying. Ego denies, but your heart supports you every turn of the way.

Your heart will tell you, when you listen, what you want and need, what serves your highest purpose and will bring you the joy that you are seeking. Your heart is the voice of Spirit. It's where Spirit Speaks to you, and Spirit is constantly speaking. Sometimes it helps to have outside reminders, like the Archangels who recently visited and breezed past me in a way that was intensely palpable, but truthfully, you don't need the messages to come from outside yourself, because they are all inside, waiting for you to listen.

Kristin Ecklund
Spiritual Healer and Channel
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Author's Bio: 

Kristin is a natural and professionally trained Spiritual Healer and Teacher. Kristin helps her clients heal, discover their own psychic abilities and find their way to happier, healthier lives.

Kristin attunes to very subtle places that go beyond conscious awareness. She works with Master Level guides who facilitate healing and provide guidance for you along the way. These insights are stunningly beautiful and very, very accurate.

Kristin facilitates healing in a such a way that you naturally and easily release old, even ancient programs, beliefs, limitations and wounds that have kept you limited -- unhappy, lacking, fearful, uncertain, dissatisfied, repeating old patterns and more. You achieve healing that goes far beyond any mental processing or analytical understanding, because we go to the root of the energetic and mind map holds.