What does it mean to forgive? First, let’s look at what it means to NOT forgive, that is, to hold onto old regrets, judgments, or lower vibrations of emotions when you think of that person – anger, resentment, frustration, sadness, etc. When you are unable to totally love someone, freely and unconditioned, there are places within your heart where you hold a lower vibration, and pretty much everything you can imagine is a lower vibration than love, forgiveness and genuine compassion. We can boil it down and simply call it a judgment. When you hold on, knowingly or not, you are holding the essence of whatever past occurrence brought on that feeling, and it may be ancient. It may be from before you consciously knew this person – babies have memories – or perhaps even from a past life. (If you’ve ever met someone and had strong emotions about them, good or bad, and yet you’ve never seen them before, that’s probably a past life connection.) That judgment forms a glue and then more and more judgments are free to stick to it. You can begin to find fault for even the simplest of things and not really know why you’re doing it. That’s because you’re operating from the stickiness of judgment, and there hasn’t been a space created – yet – for letting it go.

Kristin Ecklund
Spiritual Healer and Channel312.715.811

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Author's Bio: 

Kristin is a natural and professionally trained Spiritual Healer and Teacher. Kristin helps her clients heal, discover their own psychic abilities and find their way to happier, healthier lives.

Kristin attunes to very subtle places that go beyond conscious awareness. She works with Master Level guides who facilitate healing and provide guidance for you along the way. These insights are stunningly beautiful and very, very accurate.

Kristin facilitates healing in a such a way that you naturally and easily release old, even ancient programs, beliefs, limitations and wounds that have kept you limited -- unhappy, lacking, fearful, uncertain, dissatisfied, repeating old patterns and more. You achieve healing that goes far beyond any mental processing or analytical understanding, because we go to the root of the energetic and mind map holds.