Self correction of spinal occlusions (misaligned spinal bones) occurs in nearly everyone, everyday very naturally. Digestion occurs without our conscious thought, as do millions of other functions within this miraculous body of ours. This is something that we can observe and describe, but to explain it we need to go a bit deeper than modern medical understanding allows. The concept that the human body is self regulating, self balancing and self correcting is not something that modern medicine places much emphasis on because it falls under the ‘vitalistic’ umbrella.

Vitalism, as defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a doctrine that the processes of life are not explicable by the laws of physics and chemistry alone. In Spinology it means that there is some type of ‘intelligence’ or ‘ wisdom ’ that utilises our brain and nerve pathways to organise and coordinate all functions of the human body. Since this wisdom within the body can’t be scientifically studied, it is ignored by nearly all top doctors and scientists.

The Spinology course uses deductive reasoning to demonstrate to students that this wisdom is a very real and essential part of our existence. Without it, we are called dead. After all, science tells us that all we need is water, food, air, sleep and sunshine to live. Yet, you can put a corpse in the sun, put food and water in its mouth and pump air into the lungs, but that wont make the corpse live. The vital force that was responsible for the actual ‘life’ of that person is no longer present, so death is the result.

This explanation is necessary to understand why and how the body attempts and achieves self correction of spinal occlusions. The body will constantly strive to optimise function on all levels at all times. When a spinal bone, via some type of force, becomes misaligned the holes between the vertebrae, where the nerve roots exit, become altered and this affects the delicate nerve root tissue. The body will attempt self correction using the small Rotatores and Multifidus muscles that attach to the middle and lower spine. The neck also has the Rectus Capitis Posterior Major, Levator Scapulae, Obliquus Capitis Posterior Inferior and the Obliquus Capitis Posterior Superior. All of these muscles work to attempt realignment. If successful you resume normal function. If unsuccessful the tiny muscles attached to the occlusion will continue in their attempt at correction for years and decades.

There are hundreds of these tiny muscles that attach to each segment of the spine. When the nerves cannot function properly the body is unable to function normally and you suffer on some level. The brain will send impulses to these tiny muscles to contract them in such a manner as to affect spinal realignment. Most minor misalignments are sorted immediately, but sometimes the force that caused the occlusion is greater than the body can overcome and the bone stays misaligned causing nerve transmission problems.

The only focus a Spinologist has is to identify the areas of the spine where self correction has failed and assist the wisdom of the body to realign the segment. This is done by providing a very gentle and specific force in the same direction the muscles are already pulling, thus assisting and not manipulating the spine.

Author's Bio: 

1994 Palmer College of Chiropractic Graduate
1998 ICS and Valencia Spinology School Graduate2006 Opened private Spinology practice in Ireland
2009 Director of EU School of Spinology, Ireland