Chances are if you are reading this you are suffering from itchy skin and are looking for answers on what it is, what it is caused from and how to relieve your itchy skin. Skin that produces scaling, flaking, thickening, color changes and itching is often referred to as dermatitis. There are a number of varying types and causes for dermatitis. Allergic or contact dermatitis may be caused by contact with cosmetics, metals, rubber, perfumes, plants or even sunlight. If you remain in contact with whatever the irritant is, the small itchy bumps on your skin are likely to spread and become more severe. A hereditary form of itchy skin disorders, atopic dermatitis, generally becomes apparent in infancy and tends to be present on the face, behind the knees, and the elbows. Nummular dermatitis presents as round coin-like lesions on the limbs and is associated with dry skin, and is commonly due to a nickel allergy. Eczema is a form of dermatitis in which fluid-filled blisters weep, ooze and crust over. Seborrheic dermatitis presents as small itchy bumps on skin of the scalp and face, and tends to be worse in the winter months. A very itchy form of dermatitis associated with intestinal and immune disorders is classified as dermatitis herpetiformis. Whatever form of dermatitis you may be suffering from, there are a number of safe, natural things you can do and take to relieve itchy skin.

It is believed that long-chain fatty acid synthesis is impaired in small itchy bumps on skin and the B vitamins of biotin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, niacin, thiamin and the lipotropics are essential to relieve itchy skin. In addition to high doses of biotin and a B complex, zinc and flaxseed oil should be taken as well for best results. An oatmeal bath for itchy skin has proven beneficial as well as the topical application of pyridoxine ointment in a water-soluble base.

With regards on how to relieve itchy skin with herbs , dandelion, goldenseal, myrrh, pau d'arco and red clover, taken internally or as a tea, have proven very beneficial. You can also make a poultice of dandelion, chaparral and yellow dock root and apply it directly to the small itchy bumps on your skin. Many dermatitis sufferers have found relief by simply applying, topically to the affected areas, pomegranate skin or mango skin simmered in water. Watercress, simmered in water and applied topically to the affected areas has proven to help as well.

I feel it pertinent to stress the importance of diet and the association to itchy skin disorders. Dairy products, sugar, white flour, fats, fried foods and processed foods exacerbate any dermatitis, eczema and itchy skin disorders. There is a strong correlation to dermatitis and food allergies, so a food allergy elimination diet may be in order. One of the most common food allergies associated with dermatitis is gluten. Anyone suffering from small itchy bumps on skin can benefit from consuming a diet of black bass, rye, avocados, sea vegetables, whey, apples, cucumbers, millet, rice polishings, rice bran and sprouts. Dairy products should be avoided as they have commonly shown to worsen cases of dermatitis.

No matter what form of dermatitis you may be suffering from, the above-mentioned, safe, natural remedies can help. If you feel your small itchy bumps on skin are due to exposure to an allergy (contact or allergic dermatitis) remove the offending exposure. Definitely rule out any food allergies and be sure to keep a clean colon. Taking the vitamins and herbs previously mentioned can help anyone suffering from itchy skin disorders. If you would like to learn more about how to treat your dermatitis naturally go to

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Foster graduated from an accredited naturopathic medical university in 2000. Dr. Foster has been successfully treating disease, ailments and conditions through the use of botanical medicine, vitamins, nutrition, homeopathy, Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine for over eleven years. Dr. Foster believes her patients are unique in their own body physiology and should be treated as such. What works for one individual may not necessarily work for another. It is a fact that when the human body becomes out of balance, it leads to "dis-ease." We also know the human body has the innate ability to heal itself if provided with the right environment and nutrients.

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