Having a mentor is important, very important. Imagine yourself having a person by your side who is guiding you step by step in doing something until you accomplish it successfully. The point is, a mentor is there to help a mentee learn to do something better and successfully.

Who told you life has to be easy? You MUST not only work hard but also efficiently for you to be a person who is successful. This being a fact, at times, some tasks become too challenging and you feel completely exhausted.

You try your best but still you get disappointed by the results you obtain. You feel demoralized and you want to quit forever by never thinking of trying again. While in this situation, there are those people who encourage you sincerely knowing that you're competent to succeed. They inspire you and you feel energized being optimistic to conquer the impossibility. They guide you step by step till you learn how to do things that you were not able to do. They make you to attain success.

To be sincere to you regarding life, you have to be strong and associate yourself with such people. You have to be focused in what you do and be willing to learn always. And, for you to remain focused, never associate in talks from people who are discouraging, who perceive you as a loser and incompetent person. All I know is that each person has something good in him or her, and surely that thing can be very helpful to the society.

The word 'mentoring' has been used countless times and in countless situations. The word is derived from a Greek word, meaning 'enduring.' The mentee has to endure while he gleans information from a mentor. The mentee learns from the mentor with hopes of succeeding. The relationship that a mentee has with a mentor can be very enduring.

There are Two Kinds of Mentoring

1.) Informal Mentoring : Relationships in our lives provide us with lots of informal mentoring. This type of mentoring develops naturally. Informal mentoring is usually from parents, friends, teachers and siblings.

2.) Formal Mentoring : It comes about when someone seeks out the services of another person who is more skilled or talented in mentoring. Formal mentoring relationship is very deliberate. There are planned programs for mentoring.

Mentoring starts from childhood. Our parents are our first mentors. Mentoring assists children in confidence building. Mentoring is a concept that is important in businesses also. It helps business organizations to retain their employees. Many employees have acknowledged that they have grown personally and professionally because of the mentoring that they have received from corporate mentoring programs.

A mentor and a mentee will usually hold an initial interview to create some goals/objectives. Mentors are needed to create a positive influence on the mentee. As Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi once said and I quote, "Be the change that you want to see in the world." A mentor will lead you on the path of change and growth you want to see in the world.

Six Roles of a Mentor

1.) A Mentor offers kindness when he takes the time to reach people and help them attain their goals. This way, a mentor gives back to society.

2.) He facilitates personal and professional growth.

3.) A mentor helps a student to complete studies and attain academic achievements.

4.) In formal mentoring, mentors will help employees get a view of where they currently stand and will help them create goals that will get them to the next level of their careers.

5.) Indeed having a personal mentor helps you in your personal life. You cope with the challenges knowing that you'll eventually succeed. A mentor will guide, encourage, motivate and inspire you towards attaining success.

6.) A mentor also gives you the guidance that you'll always need.

"A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone else thought they could." This quote sums up the importance of a mentor.

Author's Bio: 

If you help somebody do something no matter how small or big it is, you will have encouraged that person and made him learn how to do it. Click the link and while on that page you will learn the practical ways you can use to help someone. The author of this article is Joshua Nyamache and together with other staff members they are working on Nikenya website, a website that you connect with friends and read articles that contain useful information geared towards the attainment of self-improvement.