In Part I of this article, I explained why and how I decided to study success, and more specifically the success of Wealthy and Unstoppable Women.

I gave you the first 5 success secrets that you should incorporate into your daily routines, to start the process of transforming your life from ordinary to successful.

Moreover, I mentioned that there were 5 additional secrets for success that I was going to share with you in the Part II of The Simple Success Secrets of Wealthy and Unstoppable Female Entrepreneurs .  I encourage you go and read Part I if you haven’t done so already.

If you already started to incorporate these success secrets into your daily routine, then you are ready to discover the next set of steps you must take to become Unstoppable, Successful and Wealthy.

  1. Work from Your Brilliance.  When you are passionate about what you do, you never feel like you have to work.  You do what you do, because you love it, and only then you will be the best at it.   Inevitably, when you are the best at what you do, you can charge accordingly, therefore Wealth and Success will follow!  
  2. Eliminate Distractions.  Staying focus and on your tasks is one sure way to increase productivity .  Creating an environment where you can clearly eliminate distractions like emails, phone calls, people walking into your office; are key tactics to dramatically reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed, because your productivity increases as your to do list rapidly goes bye-bye.

    A cool technique I teach my private clients to implement as a way to show others that you are in the middle of something important is to wear a “thinking hat”.  I do this in my home office, and because I only use this “thinking hat” when it’s very important I don’t get interrupted, and my kids and my husband have learned to basically ignore my presence whenever I’m wearing my “thinking hat”.  In my case the hat I use is a sun hat I got in Cabo San Lucas, because it’s not a hat I will normally use at home under any other circumstances.

  3. Maintain an Organized Schedule.  Writing down your appointments, future deadlines, meetings and other things that impact your time, is a crucial activity for success.  It’s not a matter of you forgetting to do those activities or showing up for your meetings.  It’s a matter of conveying the message to your brain that it can relax, because it doesn’t have to be remembering these things.  They are in a safe place, and therefore you and your brain can focus on being creative. 

    Trust me, once your brain knows that this information is readily accessible and safe somewhere else, it sends your subconscious mind a signal to relax and then so can you.
  4. Eliminate Tolerances.  Tolerances are those little tiny things that annoy us, but we accept.  They are so little that we don’t do anything about them most of the time, yet keep annoying us in the back of our heads.  Things like that burned out light bulb in your office, or the mess in your desk. 

    Even though these things are small and almost insignificant, the way that your inner self really perceive the reality of you not taking care of them, is by relating your value and your worth with the fact that it’s ok for you to be annoyed even by small stuff.  

    In other words, what your subconscious mind thinks is how can you be worthy of wealth, happiness and success if you are not deserving of eliminating these tolerances.

    On the other hand, when you give yourself the gift of feeling worthy and deserving to be taken care of by not accepting these tolerances, the universe immediately starts sending you more deserving gifts your way, and success is one of them.

  5. Using the Word “No” more Often.  Women are fantastic people pleasers.  We love to care for others and we hate to say no.  However, you can see how men have no problem dismissing anything that doesn’t serve their purpose and mission. 

    Successful women have figured this out, and even when it appears to be something that goes against anything we do, once you get the hang of it, and let the guilt aside; trust me you could even get to love having this magical two letter word in your toolbox.

    I don’t mean saying “no” to things and people that really needs us, I mean saying “no” to things and people that you normally feel obligated to say yes. 

At this point you have gotten not only 10 secrets to achieve success, but I’m sharing with you the very 10 things successful, unstoppable and wealthy women do day in and day out.Remember, make them a habit and you won’t even have to think about them, but they will be engrained in your daily DNA.

Author's Bio: 

Carmen Taylor is dynamic and sought after Women Success Coach, Speaker, and Radio Host of The Carmen Taylor Show. Her mission in life is to help female entrepreneurs achieve Unstoppable Success and Create a Blissfully Wealthy Life.

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