Legionella is a type of pathogen that causes water-borne illnesses such as dysentery, cholera and diarrhea. The pathogen can also be found in drinking water sources, such as wells and springs. Recently, studies have been conducted to find new methods of growth prevention in hospitals and healthcare facilities.

  1. One method being studied involves the use of copper silver ionization solution by CSI  Defender . Silver ions are used in a similar way to that of the antifungal agents like Terbinafine and Cyclosporin. These ions bind to the virus in their cytoplasm and prevent it from replicating. Based on these studies, the use of silver ionization as a growth inhibitor was started in the field of pharmaceuticals.
  2. Another method of growth prevention in hospitals involves the use of biological cleaners. These biological cleaners are usually derived from the stool of an infected individual. They are then diluted with water and introduced into a hospital's drinking water system. After some time, colonies of bacteria in the drinking water begin to grow in large numbers.
  3. A third method uses ultraviolet light or UV radiation. This method uses concentrated UV light that destroys the microorganism causing the infection. These light therapies are usually applied to areas where patients with communicable diseases are treated. Research has also shown that UV radiation slows down the reproductive capacity of the microorganisms that cause dysentery.

Copper Silver Ionization for Legionella Prevention

Copper-silver ionization has also been studied as a growth inhibitor. Studies have shown that silver ions can be efficiently used to destroy the microorganisms that cause infection. Based on these studies, the use of silver ionization in the treatment of legionnaires has been established.

Silver is an effective antibacterial agent and it does not contain hydrogen peroxide. In this way, it does not react with the patient's body's tissues. As such, the use of silver as an antibacterial agent has become a popular choice. Silver salts have been discovered to have trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide in them. This makes them highly effective in killing bacteria.

Research has also determined that copper compounds can effectively prevent the growth of Legionella. The copper compounds most commonly used in hospitals include copper sulphate and copper chloride. The effectiveness of these substances varies according to the different types of infection that the patient may have. However, experts recommend the regular use of copper sulphate and copper chloride in order to prevent the occurrence of such infections.

Legionnaires disease is caused by the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium. It is one of the most common causes of food poisoning and other kinds of infection. Therefore, the prevention of infection in hospitals is very important. If the staff in a hospital fail to implement effective strategies against the growth of the bacteria, the consequences can be fatal.

In order to stop the spread of the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, various strategies have been implemented.

Antibacterial Chemicals

Antibacterial chemicals and other agents have been used in order to prevent the spread of the bacteria. According to experts, the use of antibiotics is a good strategy. They usually kill all the bacteria present in the hospital environment. However, this treatment has its own disadvantages. Aside from being very expensive, the prescription of antibiotics can sometimes render the antibiotics useless against future staph infections.

Growth Inhabitants

Growth inhabitants are another effective strategy for controlling the population of the bacteria. These are often recommended by doctors when there is a possibility that the Staphylococcus aureus bacteria has increased. Growth-inhibitors, which are synthesized using a combination of enzymes and other chemicals, kill bacteria by changing their DNA structure. This strategy not only stops the population growth, it also prevents the growth of other harmful bacteria. As a result, the number of bugs that are present in hospitals will be lessened considerably.

Silver Salts

Silver salts have also been known to have anti-bacterial properties. The use of silver salts has been observed in hospitals, where a considerable number of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria are present. Silver salts inhibit the production of factors that produce heat, such as the E. coli's ability to grow in the presence of oxygen. These factors kill the bacteria before they are able to multiply.

Other Prevention for Legionella Prevention

Legionella growth can be prevented by using good hand washing practices, regular cleaning and disinfecting of medical devices, reducing the chances of contact with dirty surfaces, and maintaining the appropriate hygiene in the general environment. By following these measures, you reduce the chances of developing the infection. In addition to these measures, it is recommended to remove any open or torn bandages as soon as possible and to replace them with new ones. It is important to maintain an appropriate hygienic environment so that the growth of bacteria is reduced. It is important to make sure that you and your loved ones are protected from any dangers that may come from staph.

Author's Bio: 

I am an author of selfgrowth