There are not many people in suggesting sex time. Not all are lucky enough to have a satisfactory peno-vaginal activity in fact comfortably while a female is on her period. After such times, they are aroused practically, they take help of porn to have the orgasm that becomes the only way for them to relieve from cramps. Many women follow this way even through sexual activity or without it.

Sexual interaction during her periods is not chosen by many people even after making several efforts to overcome the de-stigmatise menstruation and the waves developed. A large count of couples does not prefer period sex. However many females report for sexual arousal during their menstruation period, even those with extreme urge fail to do so. Female sexual desire is withdrawn in any case. Meanwhile during the periods, it becomes like a double taboo.

However a period sex is beneficial due to increased lubrication, it gives a relief from physical and emotional stress as of endorphin rush and nominal chances to conceive, even many people make uninformed beliefs such as:

They don’t need any protection because of no chance of pregnancy however in women with short cycles of about 21 days, unsecured penetration cause ovulation within a week and they get pregnant.

Menstruation doesn’t prevent pregnancy . So, you should consider it this way.

Sexual activity without using a condom is not recommended, even because menstrual blood overcomes the pH balance of vagina. Acidic pH is essential to prevent infection. So, women on their periods are sensitive to catch fungal or urinary infections. Moreover, cervix size also increases during periods. So both situations, in addition of blood flow, make the conditions extremely sensitive to catch sexually transmitted diseases.

There are many clients who consult Sexologist in India for period sex and are open to discuss about it. In various cases, men seem more proactive than women.

As in India, menstrual blood is believed to be unhygienic and women are look down during their periods. However men are also the same. This culture fears period consideration as virgin blood. However periods leave the sexual interaction as a global taboo.

Urine, mucus, blood, breast milk, perspiration, are not assumed bad however they are also released from the same body as of menstrual fluid.

Period contradicts the common concept of meaning of feminine is tidy and good smelling. It is anticipated from ladies to make their bodies work for femininity. However a biological process Menstruation obstructs their femininity, cleaning up and hiding doesn’t work.

Why females are unenthusiastic for period sex?

Females are normally responsible to clean the sheets, clothes and other things that are stained due to sexual activity during their period. As their health concerns are associated with period, it doesn’t mean that she want to handle the practical allegations of intercourse during her period.

According to female views:

The use of an intern menstrual materials for example tampon, period cup, these should be removed before intercourse.

Cease the sexual activity if you are not comfortable or cramps are intolerable

However, menstrual blood naturally lubricates the vagina, sex during period can dry up the vagina. So water based lubricants should be used to avoid the condom to slip and to make it the process to happen more easily.

According to men views:

For sex during periods, both man and woman should be agreed to do it. Females may or may not be willing on their periods, so it cannot only be a man’s decision.

To ignore the ugly blood sight, you can use blindfold to enjoy the sexual contact and make the things fully enjoyable.

Use of sex toys, fingering and rubbing prevents the contact with period blood.

So, sexual activity during her period is not completely prohibited, but you should be more precautious to make her feel safe for penetration. Menstruation causes cramps and mood swings so your woman should also be ready for sex, not just you for sex during period. Moreover, you can consult with your sexologist about the precautions that you need to follow to make the sexual activity enjoyable and safe for both of you.

There are not many people in suggesting sex time. Not all are lucky enough to have a satisfactory peno-vaginal activity in fact comfortably while a female is on her period. After such times, they are aroused practically, they take help of porn to have the orgasm that becomes the only way for them to relieve from cramps. Many women follow this way even through sexual activity or without it.

Sexual interaction during her periods is not chosen by many people even after making several efforts to overcome the de-stigmatise menstruation and the waves developed. A large count of couples does not prefer period sex. However many females report for sexual arousal during their menstruation period, even those with extreme urge fail to do so. Female sexual desire is withdrawn in any case. Meanwhile during the periods, it becomes like a double taboo.

However a period sex is beneficial due to increased lubrication, it gives a relief from physical and emotional stress as of endorphin rush and nominal chances to conceive, even many people make uninformed beliefs such as:

They don’t need any protection because of no chance of pregnancy however in women with short cycles of about 21 days, unsecured penetration cause ovulation within a week and they get pregnant.

Menstruation doesn’t prevent pregnancy. So, you should consider it this way.

Sexual activity without using a condom is not recommended, even because menstrual blood overcomes the pH balance of vagina. Acidic pH is essential to prevent infection. So, women on their periods are sensitive to catch fungal or urinary infections. Moreover, cervix size also increases during periods. So both situations, in addition of blood flow, make the conditions extremely sensitive to catch sexually transmitted diseases.

There are many clients who consult Sexologist in India for period sex and are open to discuss about it. In various cases, men seem more proactive than women.

As in India, menstrual blood is believed to be unhygienic and women are look down during their periods. However men are also the same. This culture fears period consideration as virgin blood. However periods leave the sexual interaction as a global taboo.

Urine, mucus, blood, breast milk, perspiration, are not assumed bad however they are also released from the same body as of menstrual fluid.

Period contradicts the common concept of meaning of feminine is tidy and good smelling. It is anticipated from ladies to make their bodies work for femininity. However a biological process Menstruation obstructs their femininity, cleaning up and hiding doesn’t work.

Why females are unenthusiastic for period sex?

Females are normally responsible to clean the sheets, clothes and other things that are stained due to sexual activity during their period. As their health concerns are associated with period, it doesn’t mean that she want to handle the practical allegations of intercourse during her period.

According to female views:

The use of an intern menstrual materials for example tampon, period cup, these should be removed before intercourse.

Cease the sexual activity if you are not comfortable or cramps are intolerable

However, menstrual blood naturally lubricates the vagina, sex during period can dry up the vagina. So water based lubricants should be used to avoid the condom to slip and to make it the process to happen more easily.

According to men views:

For sex during periods, both man and woman should be agreed to do it. Females may or may not be willing on their periods, so it cannot only be a man’s decision.

To ignore the ugly blood sight, you can use blindfold to enjoy the sexual contact and make the things fully enjoyable.

Use of sex toys, fingering and rubbing prevents the contact with period blood.

So, sexual activity during her period is not completely prohibited, but you should be more precautious to make her feel safe for penetration. Menstruation causes cramps and mood swings so your woman should also be ready for sex, not just you for sex during period.

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Moreover, you can consult with your sexologist about the precautions that you need to follow to make the sexual activity enjoyable and safe for both of you.