Are you a person with a special talent, skill or passion you want to share with others, but don’t have a clue how to let people know about it? My passion is to help nurses and other female professionals avoid a disastrous experience like the one I had when I took on my first management position, when they contemplate moving into leadership, explore moving into other new, uncharted areas of practice or try to retain their sense of purpose and life passion when they contemplate retirement . My business, Nurse Career Success’ mission is to help nurses and other female professionals succeed, more quickly and with much less stress through these transitions in their careers. I was stymied at first though how to let them know I was there to help.

I learned a few key ways to get the word out and share useful tips for the professionals I care so much about.

Seven Ways to Let Your Light Shine!

1) Tweet (not just what you are doing, but share a brief useful tip for your chosen audience.) Check out my tweets as an example at: Tweeting also helped me be succinct while sharing ideas and tips that can help others think or maybe even act more healthily.

2) Create a website that is a blogsite (WordPress is awesome and fairly easy to use), or at least a Facebook page so your communication can be interactive. You can start a discussion, or even ask your audience to complete a short survey to obtain their opinions, get to know their special needs, etc.

3) Write articles either for journals or submit them to internet magazine sites to let people get to you’re your work better. Make sure the topics fit your audience’s interests and that you share real value.

4) Present more in depth success or other tips in a book or ebook . I share my leadership success tips in my new managers toolkit book “How to Manage with a Magic Wand, (No, Don’t Hit Your “Problem Employees” over the Head with it!)”

5) Keep in touch with your chosen group of people by joining groups (both in person if available and e-groups) where you can share your views and comment on other’s offerings. Be sure to stay positive in your comments and feedback, even if you have strong personal feelings about a topic someone shares where they have a very different opinion than yours. Being tactful presenting your point of view reflects better on you and makes for a better chance of your future offerings being respected by the group or individual. Accidentally coming across as judgemental or critical on the other hand can negatively influence future interactions.

6) If you feel comfortable talking with people you can be interviewed for a radio or even TV show so people can get a more real life feel for what you have to offer. Check out my latest radio interview with Christine of Cosozo radio, at: . As you can guess, the topic was how to help develop women leaders. Visit “Events” page for the Ashford Radio show series, addressing leadership, wellness and life balance issues as well for more ideas.

7) Develop either one introductory teleseminar or if you are really ambitious, a series on a “hot” topic of concern to your audience, and be sure to give some valuable ways for them to deal with the challenge, while also sharing what else you may have to offer them.

Hope these suggestions give you ideas how you, too, can share your unique talent, skill or passion because YOUR SPECIALNESS SHOULD COME INTO THE LIGHT SO OTHERS WHO NEED YOU KNOW YOU ARE THERE TO HELP!

Author's Bio: 

Helen Thamm, APRN, CPC is a licensed therapist in Illinois and Wyoming as well as a Certified Professional Coach, who is a career and wellness specialist. You can obtain free tips on career success and wellness issues at and you can listen to her career success radio series on the Events Page. Leadership success challenges are met in her new manager’s success toolkit book: “How to Manage with a Magic Wand (No, Don’t Hit Your “Problem Employees” over the Head with it!)” and the bestseller “The Wellness Code” co-authored with Dr. John Ellis, et al which are available at Helen can be reached for questions at: or .