The star of the TV show “The Doctor OZ Show”, Dr. Mehmet Oz stated, “If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong .” What is Qigong ? The answer can be found in (1).
Qigong has been shown to be effective in more than 200 diseases, including cancer. Many forms of require long periods of study. However, the following simple, abdominal breathing, called the Senobi method requires little study and can be applied almost instantly.
Studies have shown that this Senobi breathing techniques aids with weight loss (2) and can also aid to lessen the use of asthma rescue medication (3).
The Senobi Breathing Method can be done sitting or standing. The hands are extended above the head with the palms upward. (the fingers are intertwined or not). Lean back and arch the neck backwards. Using abdominal breathing, inhale for 5 seconds and then exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat this breathing cycle 6 times. This is done before every meal.
The study (2) found significant losses in body fat after 1 month of regular practice. Using various measures researchers found substantial up-regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and increased urinary hormone secretion after 1 min of the Senobi breathing method. They did not find these results in the non-obese control group.
Psychological factors can also be involved in obesity such as: stress, depression, poor food choices, not realizing the discrepancy between calorie intake and calories burned by activity, etc. Practicing additional abdominal breathing for relaxation and stress relief and reflecting on the food you eat may lead to additional weight loss .
The researchers in (3) used heart rate variability measurements to determine levels of parasympathetic (rest and digest) nerve dominance. Higher levels of parasympathetic control are thought to lead to asthma symptoms as the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) is in control of opening the airway passages.
Asthmatic patients were asked to engage in the Senobi breathing exercise
regularly for 1 month. At the conclusion of this month the majority of patients showed a decrease in use of their inhalers and showed an increase in expiratory volume. Senobi breathing is thought to activate the sympathetic nervous system thus opening airway passages.
Hopefully, these two applications of Senobi breathing will sway readers to consider the fact that strenuous exercise is not necessary for health improvement and arouse their curiosity to explore Qigong for longevity and combating many diseases.
Non-strenuous Qigong for health requires little flexibility and coordination. Qigong is easier to learn than Yoga, Tai Chi or Pilates . It can be practiced lying, sitting or standing. Hence, it is the ideal activity for seniors, the physically challenged and chronically ill. .
1. Eisen, M. What is Qigong?
2. Sato, K. et al. The "Senobi" breathing exercise is recommended as first line treatment for obesity
. Biomed. Res., (4):259-62, 2010..
Neuroadrenergic abnormalities, including a predominant activity of parasympathetic nerve and blunted
hormone secretion, are recognized in the overweight patients. This study aimed to examine whether the "Senobi" breathing method, a stretch-breathing exercise
that we have developed, could activate or recover sympathetic nervous system activity that leads to the loss of body weight. Forty pre-menopausal women, aged 40 to 50 years, participated in this study. Twenty were healthy and the other 20 were overweight (body mass index>25 and body fat>30%). Sympathetic nerve activity was assessed using equipment that analyzes cardiac-beat variation, and several urinary hormone levels were examined before and 30 min after performing the "Senobi" breathing exercise
. The average proportion of sympathetic nerve among healthy women during daytime hours (10:00 AM to 12:00 PM) was 62.6%±2.6%. On the other hand, that of overweight women was 33.5%±0.4%. After 1 min of the "Senobi" breathing, substantial up-regulation of sympathetic nerve activity and increased urinary hormone secretion were observed in the overweight women but not in the healthy controls. Moreover, after repeating the exercise for a month, the obese patients showed significant loss of body fat. The "Senobi" breathing exercise was found to be effective.
3. Sato, K., et al. "Senobi" stretch ameliorates asthma symptoms by restoring autonomic nervous system balance. J. Investig. Med. 58(8):968-70, 2010.
The number of asthmatic patients is increasing in Japan. It is conceivable that changes in lifestyle (e.g, - lack of exercise and high-energy diet
) may be associated with this phenomenon. The resulting factor seems to be altered activity of autonomic nervous system of these patients. When this activity was estimated by the measurement of heart rate variability, asthmatic patients (n = 11) showed a tendency for parasympathetic nerve dominance in comparison with healthy controls (n = 10). We recommend the patients engage in the "Senobi" stretch exercise, which involves stretching
the arms and body upward while standing. After 1 month of regularly performing this exercise, most patients showed a decrease in the frequency of asthma rescue medication use. They also showed a recovery of forced expiratory volume in 1 second. These results suggest that the Senobi stretch is a useful exercise for asthmatic patients to perform to achieve a desirable improvement in symptoms.
By profession, Dr. Eisen was a university Professor specializing in constructing mathematical models used for studying medical problems such as those in cancer chemotherapy and epilepsy. He has studied Yoga, Judo, Shotokan Karate, Aikido and Tai Chi. He taught Judo in a community center in Toronto. Dr. Eisen was the founder and chief-instructor of the Shotokan Karate Clubs at Carnegie-Mellon and Dusquene Universities and the University of Pittsburgh.
He has taught Tai Chi at community centers in New Jersey, the Chinese Community School of South Jersey, Temple University, a Master’s Dance Class at Glassboro State College and Triton High School and also Qigong at some of these locations. He taught a Qigong class at Lehigh University. He helped teach Yoga at Graterford prison.
One of Master Mark’s students introduced him to Master Mark and Praying Mantis. He found the system so interesting that he devoted most of his time only to this art. He taught Praying Mantis at Master Mark’s School in Philadelphia and at Temple University. He became a Disciple of Master Mark and teaches Praying Mantis, Qigong and Tai Chi at the Cherry Hill branch of Master Mark’s school.
Master Mark fostered his interest in acupuncture, herbology, Chinese massage and Qigong. He took correspondence courses in Chinese herbology and studied other branches of Chinese medicine with a traditional Chinese medical doctor. Dr. Eisen was the Director of Education of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Institute in Upper Darby, P.A. Dr. Eisen has written many articles on Kung Fu, Qigong, Eastern exercise and Chinese medicine. See Qigong articles in Qi Dao at Yahoo Groups.
He was honored by the University of Pittsburgh in 2001, on the 35th anniversary of the introduction of Shotokan Karate, as the founder, for contributing to its growth, popularity and also to students’ character development. He was selected as one of the coaches for a world competition of the U.S. Wu Shu team in 2001. Dr. Eisen received meritorious awards from Temple University National Youth Sports program in 1980 and from Camden County College for participation in a student sport program in 1979.
Dr. Eisen now teaches Mantis Kung Fu, Qigong, and Yang Tai Chi – see
Study at home by webcam.