Despite your constant complaints of those BLOODY days, why are their lenient irregularities bothering us sooo much?
Why is my period late ? Is a constant query every girl or woman asks herself. Be it in our puberty or in the twenties or thirties, the absence of periods at the right time really bothers us beyond imagination. Often we ponder over the diet and stress we have equally consumed meanwhile to induce this effect on the body. Normal menstrual cycles generally last for a period of 28 to 30 days. Experiencing shorter cycles less than 20 days or longer cycles over 35 days may both be categorized under irregular menstruation cycle.
Having regular periods your cycle just suddenly stops behaving clockwise, don't you think it's not always nice! Being an active member of this dynamic world and considering the pills of stress we consume on a daily basis it is normal to lose your clock but it's about knowing the right ratio between natural and unnatural episodes or irregular events in the menstruation cycle. Irregular periods is not a disease as such, but a characteristic feature for many underlying diseases.
While as mentioned above Oligomenorrhea or irregular menstruation is when your cycle falls unexpectedly over your range, it may be totally physiological or over the top to be pathological. Physiological irregularities are most often perceived due to disruptions from optimal mental and physical status of health with informative compromises over diet , regimen, extent of physical exercises and state of mind ; while pathological Oligomenorrhea is a much broader aspect to understand and comprehend. Pathologically a lot of factors are responsible for showing irregular periods mostly involving the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Other Than innate hormone variations the fluctuation in these essentials due to excessive use or oral contraceptives is another common cause.
After having an established menstrual cycle after menarche, keep track of the cycle and see whether it lasts for more than 35 days. You may understand this as, spotting between periods, bleeding after sexual intercorse, heavy menstrual cycles, menstrual bleeding lasting much oger than normal, Bleeding after you have reached menopause. Usually a few of these are not so common, but for those who don't really keep track of the number of days between cycles, this may prove to be helpful. Informultely the rare people who develop oligomenorrhea despite showing any of the signs and only increased gap in between cycles.
Understanding activities behind the curtain is still very important before finalizing the ground rules. A few researchers have come to the conclusion that irregular periods may be seen in patients having or suspected for PCOS (PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome), PID (Pelvic inflammatory diseases ), cervical or uterine cancers, Endometriosis, thyroid dysfunction to name a few. It is vital to consult your healthcare practitioner to differentiate between simple stress induced irregularities in periods to keep yourself safe. As the pathological involvements change so does the treatment in every case. If the irregularities are purely physiological the physician might just alter your diet or lifestyle patterns.
Ayurveda is one of the few sciences that perceive reproductive tissues in a view other than puberty, reproduction and menopause. Menstrual cycle is viewed as a window to an individual’s health. Disturbances in this cycle ensures that the body is also suffering from Doshic disturbances, for it maintains all the functional and chemical aspects of the body. It might sound absurd, but the actual menstrual blood is considered as the byproduct of the first tissue or the Rasa Dhatu, hence the quality of food consumed has a direct impact on the quality of menstruation. Atharva or menstrual blood being the last entity to foam within the body, the disturbances in every other factor influences it beyond our control.
According to ayurvedic classics, the healthiest cycle is one in which it is in sync with the lunar cycle, Starting on a new moon day and ovulating on a full moon day. Thus any irregularities seen in this cycle is totally due to mismatched levels of bodily entities. While major manifestations do require medical intervention , ayurvedic classics have mentioned certain lifestyle amendments which helps to optimise your menstrual cycle. If despite trying the mechanisms mentioned here, you still face snags, it's high time to check with your ayurvedic physician.
Typically ayurveda sees monthly menstrual discharge as a cleanse. So our goal is to support this mechanism of cleaning, for importance is given orest, rejuvenation and propelling the Agni the digestive fire.
Starting with eating simple diets and honoring yourself with enough time to rest and recoup is well emphasised in ayurveda . Nowadays it might be impossible to rest during period days for all the work to complete, but you can consider tea breaks, or me time to offer help. Do not stop your urges from flowing, be it urination or any other. Simutabuesyuse this time to reflect on yourself and meditate, inculcating pranayama and yogic techniques
With any other cleanse, hydration is of utmost importance. Keep the body well hydrated with ample water sources.
While alongside dietary modifications and lifestyle aatations, there are a few plants that have the capability to normalise menstrual abnormalities at grassroot levels.
A few among them are
- Ashoka: the bark extract of Saraca indica is the queen for all ailments relating to the female reproductive system.
- Stavari: mainly used in reproductive system manifestation and as a galactagogue is the root of Asparagus racemosus, literally translating to women having a hundred husbands.
While we have only discussed two very popular ones, it must only be consumed under strict instructions and guidance of your ayurvedic physician.
Thus ayurveda gives us an opportunity for effective timely intervention so that the physiology of the body can come back much stronger and healthier. As long as the doshas are functioning normally, neither depicted or overwhelmed , the menstrual cycle will be optimal as well. So it’s up to you if you want to maintain the normalcy in your cycle by following the methods mentioned in Ayurveda .
Dr. Vikram Chauhan
Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD-Ayurveda) is an expert ayurvedic doctor based in Chandigarh, India and doing his practice in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of Ayurveda - Ancient healing treatment, not only in India but also abroad.