How often have you lost your focus, allowed others and circumstances to erode your confidence, lost your authentic voice in the midst of pleasing others, delayed pursuing your passion , and feel stuck in less that joyful lives? As women, we tend to push our dreams aside risking frustration, anger and discontent to support others and their dreams while ours lie idle.

How would you like to attract more energy, joyfulness and resources in your life to pursue your unique gifts and talents?

Use the following steps as a springboard to discovering your true passion and living the life of your dreams .

*Hidden Passion : Think about what has brought you joy in the past. Do you have a hobby that you thought was just a hobby and would not make a viable vocation for you? How can you do more with your hobby? What would you do in life, if money were not a consideration? What can you think of now that will put a smile on your face? If you find something you enjoy,go for it and the money will come.

*Don't allow negativity minded people to drain your positive energy. Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people. Banish negative thoughts and focus on what you want rather than what you don't want. We attract more of that which we focus our energies on. Share your dream with a trusted friend. When we keep our dreams secret, we don't leave space to be held accountable and it becomes easier to push our dreams aside.

*Get to know yourself more each day so that your thoughts are aligned with your actions. Make sure you know definitively what you want so that you are not living your life based on someone else's expectations for you. When your energy is focused on what you don't want, you have very little energy left to focus on what you do want. For example, if you're focusing on getting out of debt, then your focus is on debt and lack. But, on the other hand, if you are focusing on abundance , you will attract more abundance .

*It's your dream! No one else can manifest your dream but you. Your dream is what YOU envision and believe is possible for your life. Dwell in possibilities.

*Be committed. Don't be wishy washy about your dream. If you aren't committed to your dream, others won't be either. It's amazing how opportunities and resources will show up when you are unswerving in your belief in yourself and your gifts.

*Are you driving or being driven? Are you in control of your dreams or are you letting someone or something lead you? Do you positively know where you are headed? Take a close look at the direction in which you are going. Make sure you are doing the driving and not being driven by external forces.

*If you are unsure what your dream is, take some time to gain clarity. Talk often to trusted, supportive people about your dream. This makes way for accountability and support. Collect colors, quotes, pictures that inspire you. Focusing on the things that inspire you will provide clarity and attract more inspiration in your life.

You CAN pursue your dreams, unmask obstacles, and reconnect with your unique identity and soul purpose as you take the journey to self-discovery and empowerment .

When you are ready to take the first step towards living your life with passion, purpose and endless possibilities, visit to schedule a get acquainted call to discuss options and programs best suited to your needs.

Author's Bio: 

Gladys M. Anderson is the founder of Coach for Your Dreams, a certified life coach, licensed marriage and family therapist, writer and speaker. For more information and to get your complimentary Special Report - "5 Ways to Overcome Fear", visit