OfficeLink tracks thousands of data on San Antonio office properties on a monthly basis to provide accurate and informative data on the San Antonio office properties market. OfficeLink tracks properties 10,000 sf and larger and provides free access to search by dozens of fields.

Fields of data in OfficeLink available with a free subscription include:

Number of floors
Space available
Operating status
Building name
Property address
Zip code
City And more!
With a paid subscription to OfficeLink, users can also search by:

Parking availability/type
For sale/lease
County account number
Year renovated
Occupancy rate
Contiguous square feet And more!
Free search results to the San Antonio office properties database include:

Sale type
Net square feet
High rent
Low rent
Tenant information
Gross square feet
Subscriber search results in the San Antonio office properties database include the same information as the free search results PLUS owner and management contact information. This typically includes company name, contact name, at least one contact phone number and in many cases, supplemental phone numbers, e-mail addresses and Websites.

OfficeLink also provides subscribers the ability to generate detailed reports for San Antonio office properties selected from the search results. While the free subscription level offers a detailed property listing and a detailed leasing directory report, the paid subscription level offers many more in-depth San Antonio office properties reports, including:

Leasing labels
Transfer ownership
Occupancy and rent survey by tenant
Proposed and under construction
Historical rent by class
Detailed property listing
Historical property information
Office building picture with details
Historical construction summary
Management directory
Occupancy and rent survey by class
Rent vs. age summary
Leasing directory

A full-time team of researchers supports the San Antonio office database, OfficeLink. This effort helps ensure our subscribers, both free and paid, get the most accurate data available, at an affordable cost.

Developers and investors rely upon us for our ability to research, analyze and interpret market trends, and for market studies, San Antonio Office Space Leasing and Rental Data feasibility studies, rent studies, tax credit studies, project design guidance, Dallas Office Space Leasing and Rental Data property performance valuation and lease audits. Brokers, developers, lenders, investors and management companies utilize OConnordata for information regarding San Antonio apartments, Austin apartments, Houston Apartments, Fort Worth apartments and Dallas apartments.

Author's Bio: 

Patrick C. O'Connor has been president of O'Connor & Associates since 1983 and is a recipient of the prestigious MAI designation from the Appraisal Institute. He is also an registered senior property tax consultant in the state of Texas and has written numerous articles in state and national publications on reducing property taxes. He continues to set the standard in direction and quality of our appraisal products, adding services ranging from business valuations and business appraisals to cost segregation analysis for income tax reduction.