The coronavirus pandemic has bought about many changes in the way we work, live our lives, and most importantly, - the way we do business. Since the lockdown, enterprises have experienced a significant crisis, with many companies going under while the others are struggling to survive financially in such trying times.

However, despite the setbacks they are facing, business owners are retaliating and coming up with ways that can help them keep their companies afloat during this global crisis.

"We have to be careful and resourceful with every dollar we invest in marketing," says the owner of Milwaukee Boot Company, a business launched during the pandemic," We don't have the luxury of trial and error; we have to execute every single time. Achieving awareness for a new non-essential brand in the middle of a pandemic is extremely challenging. We have to work harder…to ramp up quickly."

Many business owners contribute to the same mindset- which is why they are looking for ways that can help them develop coping strategies that can maintain their annual revenue and not put their company out of business.

Rayan Tarraf - a Lebanese entrepreneur , digital marketer, and author- has found a way to help out these business owners worldwide with an innovative way to counter current depleting marketing statistics.

As CEO of Glimpse Digital Agency and manager for many other companies focused on media marketing, Rayan has used his extensive knowledge on the subject and wrote several books . Some of his best-selling works include, "The Middle East Guide to Social Media"(2018) and "The Easy Guidebook to Social Media" (2020), which are written in great detail to assist business owners on how they can effectively make use of certain marketing approaches that can support their businesses from the core to further expand their business reach during Covid-19.

To provide a closer insight into his work, he has mentioned a few strategies that have brought about a significant change in the growth of businesses around the world through strategic marketing methods.

Integrate Social Media

During the pandemic lockdown, people have become active on social media more than ever before- meaning the number of audiences you can reach out to have grown as well.

Many offline businesses should start adapting their services and products on online platforms. For example, gym owners can start offering classes online, and the food industry can create recipe eBooks and even start online cooking classes.

Collaborating With Other Businesses

Many companies are partnering up with small businesses to help support one another during the pandemic. Restaurants are sharing ready-made meals at local grocery stores to make up for the lack of in-house business. Other small companies are banding together and offering ultimately new products or services to improve business sales and offer an additional incentive to their customers.

Staying Connected

An essential part of online marketing during Covid-19 is to ensure your customers about the details of their product delivery and any new information regarding your business. Stay connected with your customers through email and update your website. This helps make it clear that your company is operating and that you have taken the necessary measure to provide customers with smooth customer service and delivery of products during the coronavirus pandemic.

Author's Bio: 

Bianca Leon Rodriguez is a  freelance writer and author. A self-confessed foodie, her mission is to help new and aspiring bloggers overcome their doubts, gain confidence, and take the first steps towards their writing dream. You can always follow her  @BiancaLRodr  on Twitter &  @bianca-rodr  on Linkedin.