The Menu


Artichokes with Basil-Lime Dipping Sauce

Lobster Tails with Butter


Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries


A rich, buttery Chardonnay such as Bryon Chardonnay, or Franciscan 2002 Chardonnay. Champagne works too

Whoever you break out this menu for is one very lucky man or woman. Artichokes, basil, lobster, and strawberries are all considered aphrodisiacs, and all these foods can be fed to each other using just your hands. Although this spread will look luxe, it’s actually a snap to prepare – in fact, you can do some of it in the microwave. This menu is devoid of garlic, bloat-inducing breads and side dishes for a reason: They may get in the way of other amorous activities!

Artichokes with Basil-Lime Dipping Sauce:

2 artichokes (go for the firmest, heaviest ones you can find)

16 cups of water

¼ cup lemon juice

1 ½ tablespoons salt, plus more to taste

1 ½ tablespoons olive oil (optional)

¼ cup mayonnaise

Juice of ½ lime

1 few basil leaves

Freshly ground pepper

To rid the artichokes of thorns, cut off the top inch of the bud and trim off one-third of each leaf with a pair of kitchen scissors. Fill a large pot with the water, lemon juice, and salt. Bring to a boil over high heat and place the artichokes in the pot right side up. Add the olive oil, if desired, to give a little extra taste. When the water returns to a rolling boil, cook, uncovered, for 25-35 minutes, or until the artichokes are tender when pierced with a skewer or fork and a leaf comes away easily from the baste of the artichoke. Spoon the mayonnaise into a small dish and mix it with the lime juice, basil, and more salt, if needed, and pepper.

Lobster Tails:

¼ cup of butter

3 teaspoons chili powder

1 lemon or 2 teaspoons lemon juice

2 thawed lobster tails, shells on

Preheat the oven to 400 degreesF. In a small bowl, mix the butter, chili powder, and lemon juice and microwave for 2 minutes on medium high so that the butter is completely melted. With a sharp, heavy knife, split each lobster tail down the middle, leaving a clean cut but keeping the shell on. Place the lobster tails in the baking dish and generously baste with the chili-butter sauce. (If you don’t have a basting brush, a spoon also works). Bake the lobster tails for approximately 20 minutes, or until they’re cooked through.

Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries:

2 Cups water

6 ounces bittersweet chocolate, chopped

3 Tablespoons heavy cream

2 Tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon vanilla

10 strawberries with long stems

Cover a cookie sheet with wax paper and set it aside. Put the water into a medium saucepan. Find another heatproof bowl that can sit on top of the saucepan without touching the water (this is a makeshift double broiler). Add the chocolate to the bowl and turn the heat to medium-low. Do not let the water touch the chocolate, or it will “seize” and be ruined. When the chocolate is melted, add the heavy cream, butter, vanilla, and whisk. When the mixture is smooth and the butter is melted, hold each strawberry by the stem and dip it into the mixture, twirling it carefully when you’re done to shake off the excess. Set the strawberries on the wax paper – covered cookie sheet and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes to set.

TIP: For added wow, you can roll your strawberries in chopped-up Oreos, nuts, or coconut 5 seconds after your dip

Author's Bio: 

Rebecca Savidge Gray is a Certified Dating Coach and Pre-Dating's National Dating Coach since 2002. She works primarily with single women over 35 who are re-entering the dating scene following divorce, death of a spouse or end of a long term relationship.

Rebecca is a speaker and runs local Dating Workshops in Denver, Colorado

For more information or to create a personalized Dating RoadMap, please contact Rebecca at (720) 364-7588 or email to . You can also visit her website at or follow her @datingover34.