Are you looking for a different kind of dish that you can have as main course? You would surely love something appetizing and exciting to eat. In addition, it will be great if the dish is convenient to prepare. Those busy homemakers will experience much ease in making the dish if it does not take too long to make. You can definitely save so much time and effort if you do not need to spend so many minutes in the kitchen. Thus, you can still have time for your other activities or hobbies after you have finished cooking the dish.

If there is a big family gathering, you might want to try preparing a ground pork recipe. The recipe is tasty because of the great combination of seasonings and other ingredients in the dish. Moreover, the dish will also make a perfect treat for anyone who is after a meal that takes less than an hour to prepare. For a quick dish packed with loads of nutrients, you should try making a nice ground pork recipe.

The dish will take about half an hour to make, which gives you plenty of time to relax after preparing the meal.Here is a fast and easy recipe for ground pork. This stew is ready after a few minutes; thus, you will not find it a hassle to prepare a delicious meal because of the convenience in making this recipe.

Ground Pork StewIf you wish to make a quick meal in only a matter of minutes, you should definitely try this stew for dinner or lunch. The dish goes well with hot steamed rice; hence, you can make it a filling and satisfying to eat. Here are the ingredients that you should prepare.

• Half a kilo of ground pork
• 1 carrot, diced
• 2 pieces of potatoes, diced
• Half a cup of water
• 1/4 cup of soy sauce
• 1/2 cup of tomato sauce
• 1/2 cup of raisins
• 1 green and red bell pepper, diced
• 3 cloves of garlic, minced
• 1 small onion, chopped
Cooking oil
• Ground pepper and salt

In a medium saucepan, pour the oil and heat it over medium heat setting. Then, add in the garlic and onion. Cook the garlic and onion until they have become aromatic and tender. Next, put in the ground pork and stir until it turns golden brown. Pour the water and add the tomato sauce quickly. Stir the mixture gently and cover the pan until it comes to a boil. Remove the cover and season the mixture with pepper. Pour in the soy sauce and stir some more. Cover the saucepan and simmer for 5 minutes. Afterward, put in the potatoes, diced carrots, bell pepper and some raisins. Use a spoon to stir the mixture and let the flavor blend evenly. Simmer the mixture until you noticed the liquid has reduced in amount. Remove the pan from heat and serve the stew in a serving bowl.

This simple recipe for ground pork is something that you will truly love. You will find the cooking procedure very simple, which makes the dish ideal to make.

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For more information on Food and Recipes, Please visit Ground Pork Recipes , Pork Chop Recipes and Pulled Pork .