One day I was speaking with a client who is a top producer in his region.  I asked what he wanted to speak about, and I was surprised by his answer.  “I’d like to talk about my issues with confidence when talking to people with ‘big money.’

People at all levels, from those who are down in the dumps, to successful people in positions of leadership, occasionally find their confidence shaken.   What do you do if this happens to you?

  1. Stop:  When you feel you’re not at the top of your game, take a time out and get present to the thoughts and fears you’re experiencing.  Acknowledge them for what they are – just thoughts – and they will have less power over you.
  2. Reconnect:  Remember this fundamental philosophy – that all human beings are infinitely creative and resourceful.  We can always access new ideas, solution and other people who can help up or connect us to people who can help up.  So don’t give up
  3. Reorganize:– Make some time to clean up if things have piled up or to reprioritize your ‘to-do’ list or time management tactics.
  4. Strengths:  Put some focused thinking about your past victories and play to your strengths.  Reflect on this with your coach for best results.   Delegate or deflect distractions that don’t pull you forward in a big way.
  5. Focus:   Pick one of your top 5 priorities and get busy taking action.  

If you don’t FEEL confidence right away, ask yourself “how would I go about this if I was confidence.”  Calmly muster up courage to step out of your comfort zone and “fake it till you make it” and if you learn and grow along the way, you’ll build up confidence as you go.

Author's Bio: 

Jonathan Flaks, M.C.C., Business Success Coach - . Since 1998, Jonathan has been helping entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals focus on and reach ambitious goals, maintain continuous confidence and motivation, and achieve balanced success. Jonathan maintains a M aster C ertified C oach distinction from the International Coach Federation. He earned a dual degree from Cornell University and was Adjunct Professor in Business Leadership and Coaching Skills for New York University . Clients have come from BMG Entertainment, Morgan-Stanley-Smith-Barney, KPMG, Disney , Deloitte, Honeywell, Goldman Sachs, and many entrepreneurial and professional service firms. If you want to start every week with a positive, confident attitude, visit Monday Morning Mini-Motivation Meetings .