In the world of IT, the ability to remotely access and repair servers has existed for several decades. The early remote management systems were referred to as in-band management systems. These in-band management systems would connect a network administrator to various network devices through a type of dial-up connection port. As technologies advanced, lights-out management systems were developed to give network administrators access to serves and network devices when the devices were powered down or not connected to a power supply. This new type of out of band management system allows server management when the server cannot communicate with the dial up network. If you want to improve the performance of your IT department or you simply want to reduce the cost of technologies you already use, consider the benefits of using LOM technologies in your business.

Most Business Servers Are Compatible with LOM Systems

One of the biggest concerns business owners have when they are considering a new management strategy is how much it will cost to invest in new equipment. Most brand-name server computers and even network devices are sold with a built-in LOM feature. This means instead of purchasing a remote access card, you can use the built-in feature when your Lights-out management strategy is deployed. You can switch over without having to invest in expensive equipment and still reap the rewards in business efficiency.

Continuous Monitoring Of Your Business Server

When you use in-band management systems you can monitor the performance of your server as long as the server is powered on. Performing updates, installations, and repairs is not possible if any of the devices are powered down. Out of band management makes possible the continuous monitoring of your server and your network devices regardless of the power supply. The systems could be powered down and maintenance and troubleshooting is still possible. This will reduce your downtime and the amount of money you spend on IT payroll.

Expand Your Business Without Worrying About Expanding Your IT Budget

LOM is essential when you have multiple office locations and you do not have a large IT staff to manage all of the locations. You can implement a distributed data center strategy that focuses on keeping operational costs down and business productivity up. This will keep your customers happy and your employees happy.

If you want to deploy an out of band management strategy in your business, you need to assess the cost. You should look over your equipment to see if the equipment is integrated with LOM. After you do this, you should meet with an IT consultant to discuss what other equipment is needed. Write out a budget and decide if LOM is the right option for your business.

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