When you are in good health, your body can easily get rid of the wastes it temporarily accumulates as part of day-to-day living. However, when you tired or overwhelmed, it becomes more difficult for your body to dispose of these wastes, which results in cellulite. Unfortunately, this is a vicious cycle: When waste accumulates in your system, you become more tired and get stressed easier. The more stressed you are, the more cellulite you gain.

Since stress and tension directly contribute to the formation of cellulite, it's important to learn how to "let go"—to relax your body and mind completely. Relaxation is vital to your way of life because it increases circulation, loosens up tense muscles, and stimulates the release of toxins. Knowing how to relax is important but the art of relaxation must be learned. Trying to force yourself to relax may actually increase your stress levels.

The best way to relax your mind is through your body. Reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety and the anxiety will become milder. Studies done in various countries have proved this to be true. Loosening stiff muscles helps to dispel the feeling of emotional stiffness. Many stressed people are referred to as "uptight" and for good reason. When you are tense, your body tightens up – it speeds up your heart rate, reducing the flow of blood to your arms and legs, stiffens your muscles, and contracts your diaphragm, which can make it harder to breathe.

Learning how to relax requires regular practice. There are numerous techniques that you can try, ranging from simple exercises to complex yoga or behavioral therapy. Here are two simple exercises that can help you to relax.

Just Your Mind Lie flat on your back on a hard surface and close your eyes. Place your arms straight along your body, with hands falling naturally in a half-open position. Keep legs apart with toes pointing outward. Concentrate on your toes without moving them and tell them to become limp. Concentrate on this for a few seconds.

Then concentrate on your feet and order them to become limp as well. Continue working your way upwards, starting with your ankles and ending with your face, concentrating on your mouth and eyes. Every part should be completely relaxed and free of tension. Your entire body will feel limp and quite heavy.

Now clear your mind. Push out the clutter of stressful thoughts and picture some place calming, such a beach or a sunset. Take deep breaths and focus on your mental picture. After a few minutes, you will be completely relaxed.

Mind and Body
This relaxation exercise is similar to the first. But instead of just thinking about each area of the body, you actually contract or tighten that area, holding it for a moment before letting go. Start from your toes and work your way upward. Breathe in deep just before you contract your muscles and slowly exhale while you hold them.

It may take some practice before to de-stress quickly. In the beginning, it will take from 10 to 25 minutes to relax. But with practice, you will find that you can relax quickly using these exercises. Once you have mastered these techniques, you will be able to use them anywhere to calm yourself down then you get nervous or tense.

Author's Bio: 

Relaxation alone is not enough to get rid of cellulite. For more options, check out cellulite treatment reviews.