The best advice overall is to just be yourself. Some men feel they have to put on a show to be able to catch the eye of a beautiful woman. But what these men don't realize, is that confidence is all they needed.

This is the reason behind all those unattractive men you see with beautiful women. Physical looks in this case is over ridden by a high level of confidence, which is a very attractive quality to have.

The next step is that you want to make sure that you do little, thoughtful things for her. This can include buying gifts such as her favorite candy, or offering to fill her car up with petrol every now and then when it is low. It is all the little things that make the difference between a long or short relationship.

Appreciating her is the next bit of relationship advice . In short, do not take her for granted and let her know that you appreciate being together with her.

This next tip may seem extremely obvious but avoid looking at other women while in her presence. You do not want your partner believing that you are comparing her to this other woman. So, it's best to leave out the staring while she is around.

This tip is a big one. Go out of your way to make her smile and especially laugh. Women love a man who can make them laugh. So, keep her laughing and your relationship is bound to last longer.

Another good tip is to find a common interest with your partner. Having a genuine interest in one of your partners hobbies is a good way to go. Develop an appreciation for one of her hobbies to let her know that you care.

And lastly, if you have been with your partner for quite some time, it may seem that you can be more casual in your appearance around her. But women will appreciate any effort you put in to keep your appearance neat and tidy. Get your haircut regularly, iron you clothes, or even put your track suit pants to the back of your wardrobe if you have to. Meaning you should not get lazy with your looks just because you are together.

Author's Bio: 

If your relationship is wearing thin and you are thinking things like 'my wife wont talk to me ' or ' I want my wife back ', then these tips are a good start to help you work towards a happier and healthier relationship.