When a person decides to take control of their addiction and become sober, locating the right treatment center for you can be a task. When searching Click rehab near me there are a variety of resources that can help those seeking treatment fine the right program that fits them.

Capo By The Sea located in Orange County is a premier dual diagnosis residential medical detox, addiction treatment center. Providing comprehensive inpatient as well as outpatient treatment programs designed for specific needs.


Medical Detox
Individual Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing ( EMDR )
Group Therapy
Medication Management

Author's Bio: 

John T. Kahal is the founder and CEO of Capo By the Sea, a luxury addiction and dual diagnosis treatment program located in South Orange County, California. After his own successful experience with the recovery process and journey, Kahal decided to create a unique program that was individualized for each client’s specific treatment needs.