Monitoring your carbon footprint is especially vital to our planet, especially if you are a business. It is crucial to reduce greenhouse gas emissions wherever possible. If a business measures their emissions, they can learn how to effectively manage them. By doing so, it can have a large impact on helping tackle the problem of climate change. There is even the opportunity to reduce your business' expenses in the process. If you own or manage a company and you want to reduce that company's carbon footprints, the following explains some procedures that can get you started in the right direction.

Something as simple as turning off all lights overnight reduces carbon footprints. This goes for shutting down all appliances that may otherwise go unnoticed, such as computer monitors. It has been shown that leaving the lights on overnight in the typical office will waste enough energy to have heated one thousand cups of coffee. You can introduce such things as occupancy sensors, which only turn on lights when there are people in the room. You can also change your energy provider to a green energy supplier.

Heating is another way that businesses lose a lot of their energy. If you reduce your need, you reduce your carbon footprint. One way to do this is to have a thermostat controlled system installed that keeps the building the same temperature all the time, which can be set for different temperatures overnight. The heat should not come on at all if the building is empty. Also, make sure that there are no radiators or vents that are blocked, as this can cause a system to work harder than it has to. Maintaining the proper insulation is also important.

Be sure to stay on top of where your equipment is placed, as well, such as you do not want to place a piece of equipment that heats up near a cooling vent. Also, not regularly maintaining your equipment can add as much as ten percent to your bills without you even realizing it.

It is also important to get your employees involved right away when you decide to implement a program to reduce your carbon footprint. You are demonstrating leadership when you show how each employee can implement the new strategy within his or her own workday. One way to do this is to encourage a flexi-time schedule, where if a person is to work an 8 hour day, if he or she shows up at 9:15, he or she simply stays till 5:15. This way there is no rush to get to work, thereby cutting down on the carbon footprint of the vehicles these people drive to your place of business. You can also encourage those employees that can to work from home. This completely eliminates any driving for your company at all. This is a wonderful way to cut down on your company's carbon footprints.

One thing that is often overlooked and not pushed as much as in the late nineties is the fact that it is still acceptable to reuse and recycle. You can even go so far as to only allow the use of recycled papers in your office, as well as vegetable-based inks for all your printing requirements. All of the suggestions will help reduce and someday eliminate your carbon footprint.

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Find out ways you can reduce your company's carbon footprints .