Ever been so depressed you don’t want to get out of bed? I have & I had to recondition my mind to think positive again. Now I know it’s easier said than done but you have to be receptive to the idea of being optimistic & seeing things in a brighter point of view, No matter what event is going on in your life whether it’s loss of a job or a break up you can control your mind to think and have a positive outcome. Keep in mind everything happens for a reason, believe in yourself & give yourself the opportunity that is well deserved. Everything has a solution in life besides death & there is nothing worth losing your life for. Below you will find easy tactics to include in your everyday life, You will benefit from this even if you are already a positive person. This is how I reconditioned my mind, to be mentally, emotionally, spiritually balanced. I followed these simple basic easy steps in my pursuit to happiness & positive thinking . It brought me to tranquility & a new state of humbleness that I had never experienced, I practiced it daily until it became second nature.

The first thing I began to do is meditate, This is simple you sit in Indian style in silence or to Zen music while inhaling & exhaling. when you inhale you say positive words such as joy, happiness, success, love, & optimism. As you exhale you exhale negative vibes such as depression , negativity, bitterness, resentment, insecurities, misery, or/and despair. You could listen to music as you do this. Do it for at least ten minutes, I like to have a candle burning along with incents.

Next you look in the mirror & you tell yourself you are beautiful that god made us in a unique way that way we feel special, We were each created not to be perfect but to be beautiful in our own way. Even you’re not a believer you were still created in a unique way & are beautiful, Write down what are your best features. Learn to love yourself, You must be your number one in life everyone else second.

Then you will create a journal every time you feel sad, down or depressed you will write how you feel, Then has the days go by & you began to feel better you’ re read it & do another entry on how you can fix the problem. If necessary consult in someone you trust, I personally always consulted with my parents they helped me become a healthier individual. For example if you were manipulated by an ex- boyfriend/girlfriend to thinking you would never be happy with nobody else except him/her, Then my journal entry would be something relevant to what I had to offer another man & write 10 reasons why I shouldn’t be with that ex. 10 reasons why our relationship didn’t work out, If I suffered loss of job then I would write things I liked & disliked from my previous jobs, analyze it & see if I was going to stay in the same field or make a career change . Also, write things down I can do with my spare time after job hunting, For example take additional training classes, volunteer and seminars. it took several months but I was able to move on with practicing this simple step.

The following thing you should do is get five index cards & write positive words on it like traits for instance to name a few assertive , responsible, reliable, Happiness , courage, healthy, positive. cheerful, Joy, love, trust, beautiful & confident . Then I defined them in your own words using a dictionary too but putting it in your own words to better understand the positive words. Then I placed the index cards were I can I see them every day, I personally got a happy face balloon deflated it put it on the back of my room door & taped the index cards around it. It has to be somewhere you can see it every day.
Even if you don’t read each definition each day, one can retrain your mind & allow you to have a better outcome that day. It builds self-confidence, It also ceases negative thoughts luring in the mind. I know it’s difficult but you have to believe & you have to remember to keep yourself busy, Remember the sun always comes out after a rainy day.

Be ambitious & love yourself enough to be happy & enjoy life to fullest no matter the predicament you’re facing. We each face trials & tribulations in our life grow from them & don’t be negative about it, Don’t whine, cry or complain about it. No matter the circumstances you can have a positive outlook on things, You only have one shot at this thing called life so make it the best because you’re worth it. Believe that, Don’t let anybody drag you down,

Your mind has ever changing neurons to learn new information so you can recondition your mind & alter the way you think especially if it’s negative. With these steps & books on positive thinking it’s as simple as ABC’s but you have to be determined, Then you should go into goal making. Try first short term goals the first three months then six then a year then 2-5 years before you know you will be a happy healthy individual working on your goals & being an optimistic productive member of society. Practice leads to perfection although there’s no such thing as perfect there’s nothing wrong with wanting perfection & getting as close to it as possible.
My objective was to keep my mind busy remembering to listen to music because it feeds the soul my all time favorite was You Gotta Be by Desree & Keep Your Head Up by 2pac & reading books on self- improvement like Dali lama Pursuit to happiness, Take one step at a time by Blue Mountains Arts. Through this & my tactics My mind converted into being optimistic & away from negative thoughts. Being a well-rounded, balanced individual. I still have my Gemini days but over all I overcame depression . And now I help others who are depressed on my free time, Making the world a better place one day at a time.

Author's Bio: 

Pricilla Blanco, Up & Coming Novice Writer Just Discovering Herself & Her True Love, Passion, Talent & Dedication For The Art. Her Upcoming Trilogy Streetology Volume 1-3 Will Showcase Her Trials & Tribulations In This Game Called Life & She’s QPR Trained . Website Under Construction, Contact Her @ PBlanco22@aol.com
Her objective is to keep your mind busy reminding you to listen to music to listen, because it feeds the soul her all time favorite was You Gotta Be by Desree & Keep Your Head Up by 2pac & reading books on self- improvement like Dali lama Pursuit to happiness, Take one step at a time by Blue Mountains Arts. Through this & her tactics her mind converted into being optimistic & away from negative thoughts. Being a well-rounded, & balanced individual. Overall She overcame depression. And now Priscilla helps others who are depressed on her free time, Making the world a better place one day at a time.