Do you feel that it’s time to take control of your life rather than talking about it? To actually make some changes in your life rather than waste another year ?
But why would you spend money on a Life Coach when you have a great network of friends and family you could call on for support?
The problem is with friends and family is that they love you and only ‘want to help'. They see you as they have always done warts and all. Remember too they could also have their own agenda - not wanting to harm or hurt you but also not wanting you to 'move' away but being the person they know and love!
Six months later after your chat with whoever about that particular issue and guess what? Nothing has changed.
Firstly, how often do you ever get 45 or 60 minutes to purely talk about yourself? Your needs and wants without interruption or the conversation drifting off on a tangent as it does with mates?
It's amazing how much clearer things are after each session.
What at first appears complicated is normally very straight forward.
Secondly, deep down most of us know what we need to be doing to succeed or be happy. A Life Coach will help you recognise that and face up to it but most importantly helps you change your thinking so you believe in yourself and your own answers – call it the courage of your own convictions.
Best of all you get to the answers yourself, A Life Coach will not tell you what to do or not to do, but guide you into coming up with your own answers.
And thirdly, accountability. Knowing there is someone keeping tabs on you (in a good way) and will hold you to account in the next session if you don't do what you said you will do is a massive motivator. Having someone metaphorically peering over your shoulder will allow you to get more done in three months than the rest of the year put together.
The only time to put your goals into being is NOW
Go for it

Author's Bio: 

It’s always difficult writing these sorts of things; not that I don't have anything to say but sometimes I feel that people will see it as hype or 'precious'. I hope by reading my articles and looking at my website you'll see more of what/who I am.- the truth (if you will) behind the name and qualifications.
I've been on this 'personal development trail/journey for many years, discovering and learning from some of the very best experts/gurus in their fields.
I believe very much that unless you re-programme your negative beliefs and thoughts you'll never 'move on' and that could be with relationships, weight loss, health, career, money.
Using the very powerful and effective processes of NLP, Hypnosis, Theta Healing and EFT I motivate and steer people toward living the lives they want rather than what they 'should' or been told to. This gives them the opportunity to truly live the life they deserve.
I believe that what we put out there we get back and the only way to improve our lives is by ‘reprogramming’ our mindset.
Like a computer when the 'hardware' isn't congruent with the 'software' no advancement can be made when we are out of sync; and it's the same with our brains. If we say one thing – and believe in our subconscious something totally, different we’ll never make the changes we think we want Our thoughts and beliefs are what makes us ‘tick’ so whatever the issue whether it’s relationships, work/career, money, self esteem, confidence; I help people look at what is holding them back and help them release those ties enabling them to go forward with whatever it is they desire. . But it can be a very painful process, the letting go, and people have to be ready and willing to make the changes. Affirmations are wonderful tools but useless without that one major ingredient – Action!
So Action, consistency and commitment - make it happen -
Remember Persistence + Consistency = Success
My greatest joy is seeing the transformation when someone releases their blocks and moves forward.