Fibromyalgia – making the body stiff
The pain that emerges from your muscles, joints and ligaments due to any reason is given an English name called Fibromyalgia. It is believed that 5% population of the world, suffers from it. Many clinicians guaranty to ease the pain, but none is interested to find the root cause. This is where Ayurveda steps in. Ayurveda believes in finding the root cause, which is what went wrong with a person that he is suffering from Fibromyalgia and uproot that reason.
"I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia."
- Even I used to suffer from such a dreadful disease that reduced my physical movements to the minimum. I am just writing the basic facts because I dream of a healthy world and would not like anybody to suffer from such pains, just as a guide to some authentic healing process. My apologies if I get lengthy.
- In the spring of 2010, a mild fever happened to me, which fizzled out after a few days. The day I felt that the fever had withered, making me feel normal a mild pain was felt in the lower neck and moving across my entire spine. I felt strange that the fever had caused what type of infection and created this pain. Though gradually it was becoming severe after every stroke, that's how I felt. Slowly it was also spreading to my arms, near the elbows, outer knees and feet near the ankles. Migraines used to happen, with swelling and numbness in my different joints that happened quite regularly.
- I had known a lady who was not a professional, but used to do acupressure and I rang her mobile, she invited me to her place and I did go there and got some therapies which made my weeks pain free, but after a few weeks the pain recurred putting me back at square one.
- I did try many different fields in the modern medical sciences, but the pain used to mushroom without giving any warning at any time, thus disturbing my daily routine and my family. They insisted on living separately, and gradually just drifted apart and ultimately my wife applied for a divorce that was settled amicably a year later.
"I Lost All The Hope in The World"
- After the divorce my physical activity remained minimum, but one day one of my employees, I run a pub and a restaurant, which is running at a brisk pace, asked me, “Sir, do you know anything about the Ayurveda ?” “No” I said, but had a gut feeling that I have finally found an agency that can relieve me from my pain. “Sir, even I felt the cramps in my abdomen and Ayurveda treated me in such a way that the cramps vanished and never to recur again. Actually sir it is an old Indian traditional science that is healing thousands since time immortal, in the present times all remedies are available on line,” he replied.
"It was such a relief to have a diagnosis."
- “Do you know any Ayurvedic doctor out here, can you make me contact them?,” I asked, curious to know more about Ayurveda .
- He took out my laptop, that used to lie under my counter and gave me their e-mail ID and asked me to send a email, writing all the details about me, my history in detail, my eating and drinking habits and all lab & clinic reports. I also wrote about acupressure therapy too.
- A day later my mobile rang, I turned it on and a lady was talking, “Is it Mr. Smith talking?” she asked “Yeah” I said. “OK, fine, thanks for sending all the details in advance and you are staying in Singapore, but basically you are from UK,” she said “Very right ma'am” said I. “Fine, but before I narrate the prescriptions, I need to make sure that you are just going to note them down and follow them strictly, if you wish to find ease from the pain you are suffering, OK Mr. Smith?” she questioned.
How I Manage my fibromyalgia with Herbs and Diet
- “Yes ma'am, I know one of my employees told me about you, that's why I contacted you” I replied. “Fine Mr. Smith, first of all you need to contact our distributor in Singapore and order a Fibromyalgia Care Pack, which has four containers and follow their prescriptions which are written on them.
- If you have any difficulty, you can contact Dr. Rupali over there. She has an experience of many years, OK Mr. Smith?” she asked “Fine ma'am, now please tell me about my diet plans, what needs to be altered?” I questioned again.
- “First of all you have to quit your alcoholic beverages, smoking, Chinese foods, canned soups & vegetables, some types of chips or similar crunchy snacks, and processed meats of all kind.
- Secondly you need to enhance eating whole grains such as quinoa, amaranth, whole wheat berries, buckwheat groats, or brown or wild rice, or have a sweet potato or plain potato in place of bread, pasta, you can also add orange juice and milk in your diet as these have lots of vitamin D in them, all these should be included in your diet ” she replied.
Ayurveda changed my life completely
- “Fine ma'am I will myself pay a visit to your distributor in Singapore and seek her advice also,” I said. “Fine” she continued very politely “get well soon Mr. Smith, bye.” “Bye bye ma'am” I said and switched off my mobile. I had saved all the food items to eat and avoid in my laptop. I took Dr. Rupali's address from their site Planet Ayurveda
- I did pay her a visit and she listened to my problems very carefully and gave me the Fibromyalgia Care Pack and gave almost the same prescriptions. I returned happily and wanted to get well as fast as possible, because I was fed up of the regular pains. Leaving boozing and cigar smoking looked difficult initially, but after a month I could feel getting better as the frequency and intensity reduced, making me more adamant to follow the prescriptions more precisely.
- I became almost normal as I used to exercise regularly, which I noted from the net, by the time next year came I was absolutely normal, making me feel like coming out of a long exile that was too painful, making me feel totally hunky-dory.
- I enhanced the salary of my that employee who made me contact Ayurvedic people. I. I got a huge picture of Planet Ayurveda pasted on my front door as a welcome gesture. Thanks a lot.
I champion initiatives that build a culture supporting Diversity and Inclusion and team work. My background is in Online Advertising, and made the switch to the fascinating Localization Industry in 2018, where I hear, one never leaves