Nobody wants to be embarassed by a rash on a neck. But there are some simple reasons why you could have a rash on neck, and some very common skin conditions.

In the event you want to to get a effective information for rash on neck then I seriously would suggest you look into examining all of this short article.

Heat Rash

Heat rash is very common, especially in babies and young children. Babies and young children have sweat glands that are underdeveloped and they have a harder time regulating their body heat. When there's clogging in your sweat glands, it could cause a rash. They will then look like pimples. They're actually harmless. But once you see the heat rash, make sure to take the necessary precautions in order to avoid overheating.

Allergy to Nickel and other irritants

Wearing jewelry can cause a rash. You may be one of those that are irritated with nickel, a common metal. This kind of rash can be red, itchy and flakey. Sometimes the rash is present with no itchiness. On your neck, they may appear as small raised bumps, patches of dry skin that may resemble sunburn or blisters. You don’t have to be born with an allergy to develop an allergy to nickel. Once the allergy is developed you will have it for the rest of your life.

Allergy to nickel isn't the only thing that can cause a rash on your neck. If your hair brushes on your skin you may have be allergic to certain hair care and hair styling products. Allergy to skin moisturizers or even laundry detergent is something you may have. The laundry detergent can still linger in your clothes and your clothes may pass the irritant to you. You may get reactions on your sensitive neck if you ewar high collar shirts most of the time.

Acne and Cysts

Some forms of acne appear like a rash. You may not know that you have acne but a rash will appear. Rashes caused by acne are often accompanied by cysts. This usually happens when your pores on your neck get clogged with sweat and other irritants. Whether it's a big or small rash, it can be treated quickly with proper skin care.

Fungal Infections

Sometimes a fungal infection can cause a rash on the neck. Candida, a fungus found on your entire body, thrives on warm and moist places, especially under the folds of the skin. When it finds an area, like in between the folds of skin on your neck, it will grow rapidly causing a bad rash. It's most likely a fungal candida infection if the rash is in between some fold of skin on your neck. The rash on your neck could be itch and redish.

Tinea versicolor or pityriasis versicolor - this is another kind of fungal that can cause rash on the neck. It is also a yeast that also lives on the skin. Oily, warm, and moist conditions is what the malassezia globosa, another type of yeast, prefers. Your neck produces oils, sometimes excessively, making it susceptible to yeast infection. The rash may not be itchy but in extremely cold temperatures, it is.

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Author's Bio: 

Sarah Williams is founder of and is a health advocate for women's issues relating to yeast infection and candida.